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Careless Whispers at the WWPC

This week's Partner Conference in Boston has been a show for the big guys and the global guys. One partner told me that Microsoft told him that more than 70 percent of conference attendees are Gold Certified Partners, and almost half are from Europe. The Dutch in particular have been easy to spot with their bright orange shirts.

I also heard that Microsoft's Ballmer-attended Gold Certified Partner luncheon on Tuesday turned out to be a little less regal than expected. Instead of having the tables, table cloths and other signs of civilized dining that partners surely deserve, Microsoft's channel champions got rows of chairs (no tables) and cold box lunches! Heck, we got a better deal in the press room. Maybe those Eurofines have already led to some cost cutting in Redmond...

If you were at the WWPC, what was your favorite part of the show? What did you not like? Drop me a line at [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 07/13/2006 at 1:19 PM


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