The Viacom Sues The Google for The $1 Billion

Miss that interview with Bill O'Reilly on "The Daily Show"? Just go to The YouTube and watch The Video.

That all might end soon, now that The Viacom is suing The YouTube, now owned by The Google, for posting The Copyrighted Content without giving The Viacom The Big Bucks.

And we are talking about a lot of content, as The Viacom runs The Comedy Central, the now nearly music video-free MTV (can anyone over the age of 12 watch their horrible reality shows?) and The VH1 -- which actually shows a video every now and again.

I happen to think The Viacom is right, although I personally enjoy watching The Purloined Viacom Video on The YouTube.

What's your take? Let us know at [email protected].

Quest Goes for Controversial Microsoft EU License
Longtime ally Quest Software last week agreed to license Microsoft communication protocols under the exact same terms the European Union found so expensive and egregious.

Microsoft, however, claims that since Quest was so willing to sign the agreement and pay the royalties, it can't be a bad deal.

Microsoft has argued that its royalty rates are far below those of competitors. But at over 5 percent of new revenues, it seems a tad steep to me. But what do I know -- I don't write software, I only make it crash!

AMD in 64-Bits Worth of Multicore Trouble
I love an underdog, especially one that pokes the big dog in the eye, which is exactly what AMD has done to Intel.

AMD was on the financial ropes when it decided to stop just building Intel clones and push the envelope with 64-bit machines that kick server and PC gaming butt.

You can only push Intel so far. Sure, the processing giant fought back with faster clock speeds and a more aggressive multicore strategy. But what Intel can really control is the cost of volume production and pricing.

AMD is now in a world of Wall Street and balance sheet hurt, and may need to be bought or find a new investor. I know a few dozen teenage gamers that will kick in their allowance!

About the Author

Doug Barney is editor in chief of Redmond magazine and the VP, editorial director of Redmond Media Group.


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