Allchin's Last Hurrah

Jim Allchin, whom Redmond magazine dubbed "Mr. Windows," is not leaving Microsoft quietly or disloyally. Instead, he's going out of his way to extol the virtues of his baby, otherwise known as Vista. Allchin is trying to rally the ISV troops to get behind Vista and forget about those other desktop OSes. ("What other desktop OSes?" is my unfortunate answer.)

I'd like to know what ISVs and corporate developers will do with Vista. Will we see fundamentally different apps once Vista, .NET 3.0, Web services and dynamic languages take hold? What would you like to see? IT pros and developers are free to tell me at the bottom of this column or at [email protected].

Come On and Zune Zune Zune a Zune
The iPod is definitely cool, but far from amazing. It stores songs, pics and, if you've got the scratch, cheesy, low-res videos. For now, though, no one does it better. It simply works (and my kids have the ear damage to prove it!).

Microsoft thinks it can one-up the iPod with Zune. Like the Nintendo DS, Zune is wireless so folks can share tunes. The hope is that listeners will fall in love and buy the songs they hear. I'm sticking with my cassettes, LPs and 8-tracks for now.

Just What Is Spam?
The Spamhaus Project is standing on principle, and despite a $12 million judgment against it, the organization refuses to take e360Insight off its spam list. e360 claims users can opt out of its e-mails at any time. Spamhaus is sticking to its anti-spam guns.

Live Goes Live
A couple of weeks ago, I tried Microsoft's Live Search and was as unimpressed as I am with the beta of Live Mail (the old Hotmail is faster and less flaky). Live Search should be better than the beta as it is in commercial release in over 40 markets. I did some quick searches, and all I've got to say is Redmond best get to indexing!

Pet a Dog, Petaflop
Back in the day, everything was about MIPS. Then PCs got us into megahertz. Soon, we'll be talking about flops – metaflops, to be precise. A petaflop is a quadrillion operations a second. These computers, stuffed with as many as a million processors, will be set to work on huge, perplexing, important scientific questions -- like who created God and how Oprah got so famous.

New Coke
My son David is a fan of the Mac, Black Flag and open source. His favorite beverage? Open Cola. Unfortunately, he loves only in theory, as the Canadian company is out of business. I guess that's what happens when you give your recipe away!

About the Author

Doug Barney is editor in chief of Redmond magazine and the VP, editorial director of Redmond Media Group.


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