Preaching Windows to Linux/Unix Vendors

Microsoft won’t be satisfied till every lick of code runs on Windows (Mac Office perhaps excepted). That’s part of the motive behind NXT, a program to ease the porting or redevelopment of Linux and Unix apps to Windows. The Unix push is a no-brainer: What vendor in his right mind wouldn’t port a dying Unix app to the thriving Windows Server world? Under the program, Microsoft offers marketing dollars and porting help.

The Linux push is a whole ‘nuther story. For true open-source devotees, moving to Windows is as distasteful as the middle stunt in Fear Factor. But for Linux ISVs looking to make a buck, Windows could be an appealing prospect.

The big question is, what happens when the two cultures and business models collide?

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Mac Office Lives -- For 5 More Years
As part of Apple’s Macworld orgy of announcements, Microsoft let it be known that Office for Macintosh will remain viable until 2011. That’s good new for the Mac faithful. But what I really want to hear is how Apple and Microsoft will officially support XP and Vista on the new line of Intel-based Macs. While technically feasible, there is as of yet no formal program -- and even worse, no program to decouple the Mac OS from the Mac and let it run on off-the-shelf Intel boxes.

Microsoft is even building peripherals for the Mac!

Office and Outlook at the Center of the Universe
Part of how Microsoft protects its desktop monopoly is by integrating Office and other desktop tools into larger enterprise apps. It helps Microsoft’s market share and provides end-users with a solid, known interface for new apps. Microsoft’s development tool “Elixir” aims to integrate Office and Outlook with CRM, customer support and marketing systems. Sample code is now up on MSDN.

About the Author

Doug Barney is editor in chief of Redmond magazine and the VP, editorial director of Redmond Media Group.


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