Google Petulant?

CNet wanted to expose how Google can be used to unearth one’s personal details, and what did it get for its trouble? A year-long snub from the irritated search engine giant. Maybe it was because the info they gathered was on Google top dog Eric Schmidt, or maybe it was pure embarrassment. In any case, the decision not to talk to CNet for a year is ill-advised. They exposed a legitimate issue and Google looks like a moody teen fresh out of pimple cream.

Unix and Windows Sittin’ in a Tree
At this week’s LinuxWorld, one of the few large trade shows still alive, Microsoft plans on spreading a message of peace, joy and interoperability. Microsoft’s approach to interoperability is to have Windows tools control Unix, but not necessarily the other way around.

Microsoft Watch has most of the details and reports that Redmondites will be talking up the next version of Unix Services for Windows Server. In addition to this, Microsoft has a friend and ally in Quest (I was lucky enough to have lunch with them yesterday to discuss this whole issue) and its new Vintela acquisition, which has a growing line of Windows interoperability tools.

While Vintela boasts deep Linux support, I’m not sure how far beyond Unix the new Microsoft services are planning to go.

Girls Gone PC Wild
This week the Redmond campus has a certain feminine flair as some 80 high school girls are spending part of their summer at a Microsoft computer camp. The idea is to highlight the fact that women are hugely underrepresented in high-tech and IT. And should any of these girls truly excel in computer science, Microsoft hopes to have first dibs.

No August Vacation from Patches
August is a lazy time, traffic is sparse, offices are at half-staff and, of course, George W. is running the show from Crawford (vacation in Texas in August?). But hackers, perhaps afraid of sunlight or bikinis, are hard at work, forcing Microsoft to keep its patching pedal to the floor. This month there will be six bulletins, and a new rev of the Malicious Software Removal tool (wonder if it can uninstall IE?), reports Redmond News Editor Scott Bekker.

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Shopping for a COO at Wal-Mart
Microsoft this week announced a new chief operating officer, 40-year-old Kevin Turner from Wal-Mart. I’m surprised Wall Street didn’t give Microsoft shares a big boost as this is important news. Wal-Mart isn’t just the king of pricing and promotion, but has a supply chain rivals would kill for. If Turner can lead Microsoft to the same supply chain nirvana, costs will go down dramatically and deliveries hastened. So what could Turner do for you? He could help make Microsoft a leader in supply chain software and help get your operations in shape.

Spam, Spam Go Away
Two years ago Microsoft filed suit against a notorious spammer. This week Microsoft got a $7 million settlement, much of which will go toward fighting the problem. Like viruses, the only way to truly tackle spam is to go after the spammers. Thanks Bill, thanks Steve!

About the Author

Doug Barney is editor in chief of Redmond magazine and the VP, editorial director of Redmond Media Group.


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