China Nuts for ‘Net

It may be restricted and it may be censored, but Chinese youth are still nuts for the ‘Net, so much so that the communist nation has opened its first center to treat Internet addiction. According to AP, some 94 million Chinese have access to the ‘Net, and for kids and teens, games and chat rooms rule the roost—like here in America. Just as it’s hard to oppress people who are armed, it’s also hard to subjugate people who are educated and connected to each other and the world—like 94 million Chinese.

Microsoft vs. Spyware
Microsoft has released a major position paper on spyware, supporting U.S. government efforts to pass anti-spyware legislation. And of course, as you already know, Microsoft has a client side anti-spyware tool already in place—at least in beta form. These efforts are great, but I’d like to see what Longhorn has to offer in the way of greater protection.


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Antitrust—the Good News
Microsoft announced that it’s off the hook for antitrust violations against IBM. Redmond paid Big Blue $775 million to settle claims relating to OS/2, which Microsoft co-authored and then killed, and SmartSuite, which Lotus wrote and Office killed.

It’s ironic that IBM is getting paid for antitrust when it was clearly the king of unfair competition back in the day. And IBM tried a couple of proprietary shenanigans with OS/2 Extended Edition—but the software wasn’t good enough to lock anyone in! Even more ironic, part of the settlement includes giving IBM $75 million of Microsoft software!

Antitrust—the Bad
Just as Microsoft got IBM off its back, pen computing has-been Go jumped right on. The case is a lot like Caldera, which bought the rights to a defunct product, DR-DOS, just so it could sue Microsoft. It won.

Founded in 1987 before computers were powerful enough to really handle handwriting, Go was later sold to AT&T. Jerry Kaplan, Go’s founder and co-author of Lotus Agenda, bought enough rights to Go earlier this year to sue Microsoft—just as Ray Noorda of Caldera did.

The iPod’s Not That Cool!
I think the iPod is cool and all, but it’s still just a gizmo that plays music downloaded from the Internet—certainly not worth dying over. But Samuel Darran and Daryl Stephen wanted the unit so bad they stabbed a 15-year-old boy twice in the back to get one. Can you say scumbags?

About the Author

Doug Barney is editor in chief of Redmond magazine and the VP, editorial director of Redmond Media Group.


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