
Exchange 2000 SP3 Posted

Microsoft on Wednesday posted the third Service Pack for Exchange 2000 that includes fixes from an eight-week Trustworthy Computing-related code review.

Problems found by the security review and fixed in SP3 involve vulnerabilities, large memory allocations, insecure permissions and insecure default settings. An Exchange 2000 Security Guide is also set to be posted to Microsoft's Web site sometime this month, a Microsoft spokesman said. The guide will include procedures and best practices for Exchange administrators.

The Exchange service pack comes on the same day as Microsoft announced availability of Release Candidate 1 for Windows .NET Server, and SP3 has a connection to the new server. It includes additional testing and validation to use Exchange 2000 with Windows .NET Server Domain Controllers.

SP3 is available for download at:

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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