
NT 4 Terminal Server Security Rollup Released

Microsoft Corp. posted a Security Rollup Package for users of Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition. Called TSE SRP1, the rollup package covers many patches not included in TSE Service Pack 6 from last summer.

TSE SRP1, which was posted in an updated form to Microsoft's site last week, supercedes a number of patches dating from mid-1999 to early 2002. Several patches from this year, however, did not make the cutoff date for SRP1, including the significant SNMP-related denial of service and code execution vulnerability that hit products across the industry. Some older patches must also be applied separately after SRP1 is installed, according to the Microsoft documentation.

Information on TSE SRP1 can be found at

Service packs for the Terminal Server Edition of Windows NT 4.0 have traditionally trailed service packs for the general release of Windows NT 4.0 by about a year, and this security rollup follows that pattern. Microsoft had originally planned to release Service Pack 7 for Windows NT 4.0, but later decided to follow the sixth service pack with a security rollup.

Terminal Server Edition's career as a distinct edition of the operating system began and ended with Windows NT 4.0. The Windows 2000 release folded terminal services into the base operating system.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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