
Microsoft Publishes More .NET Specs

Microsoft Corp. kept .NET rolling this week.

Thursday the company published three developer related specifications for its .NET initiative. They are the SOAP Routing Protocol (SOAP-RP), XLANG and the Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) protocol. All three can be found on Microsoft's .NET site for developers,

The three specifications come a few days after Microsoft signed up security vendor as one of the first high-profile companies to commit to Microsoft's "Hailstorm" services.

The specifications published Thursday are:

The SOAP Routing Protocol is Microsoft's effort to provide a way for applications to send and receive messages that are routed through other applications using non-HTTP transports. Microsoft says SOAP-RP will help federate Web services of the future.

XLANG, think XML Language, is Microsoft's XML business process language in BizTalk Server. It provides a way to combine existing applications and XML Web services into larger applications. By using XLANG, developers are supposed to be able to aggregate applications into components in a business process.

DIME provides a set of extensions to SOAP and SOAP-RP that lets SOAP carry richer data types, such as audio files and bitmap files, efficiently.

On Tuesday, Microsoft announced the alliance with At first, will launch a security service that uses Microsoft Passport for single sign-on and registration across several Web sites. Later, will integrate Hailstorm services as they come online.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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