
Raxco Updates PerfectDisk 2000 with Version 4.0

Raxco Software Inc. announced PerfectDisk 2000 4.0, the latest version of its disk defragmentation and optimization utility for Windows systems.

PerfectDisk 2000 4.0’s Perfect-Place builds on Raxco’s Smart Placement disk optimization capability. Smart Placement organizes files on a disk according to usage patterns and consolidates free space to reduce future file refragmentation and speed up future defragmentation runs. PerfectPlace 2000 takes this one step further by enabling a user to organize the files on the disk in many different ways, allowing the user to customize the disk.

Version 4.0 allows large disks to be defragmented with as little as 5 percent free space available on the disk.

Additional capabilities include the ability to defragment every file on a disk in a single pass; the ability to defragment the Master File Table and its associated 15 metadata files; the QuickScan reporting utility; and a facility that helps recapture disk space used by Microsoft Exchange.

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About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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