
Join the Reader Advisory Board

Get involved in our site! Become an Reader Advisory Board member.

We're looking for frequent site visitors to take a look at the improvements we're making to deliver certification and technical information to site visitors like you. Once a week during our redesign, we'll send advisory board members an e-mail that requests specific types of feedback on editorial content and new features we'll be implementing on the site. Advisory members will receive an e-mail typically every Thursday, and will be required to offer feedback within a 24-hour period after the e-mail is sent. (During a major redesign, e-mails may be more frequent.) Therefore, advisory members will be required to be honest, timely, and articulate when offering suggestions in the feedback phase. Reader Advisory Board members will serve a limited, six month; new members will be selected at the end of each term.

In return for your participation, you get the following benefits:

  • Listing in online masthead during six-month term.
  • Perpetual listing as a former member after six-month term is completed.

Plus, at the end of the six-month term, you'll receive:

  • Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit, compliments of Microsoft Press
  • MCP Magazine's "Call Me Certifiable" Travel Mug
  • MCP Magazine "Call Me Certifiable" baseball cap
  • Windows 2000 Server Secrets by Harry Brelsford, compliments of IDG Books/Hungry Minds

To be considered for participation, send a message to [email protected] with "Reader Advisory Board" on the subject line. That message should contain the following:

  1. First and last name
  2. Mailing address
  3. E-mail address
  4. Are you a student?
  5. Are you an IT professional? (If no, write "no" and proceed to item 7.) How long have you been an IT professional?
  6. Job title (if any; otherwise, write "none")
  7. Company (if any; otherwise, write "none")
  8. Microsoft and non-Microsoft certifications obtained, if any (if you don't currently own a certification, write "none" and explain why you're visiting our site)
  9. How many months or years you've been Microsoft certified (if any)
  10. How many times you've visited in a month.
  11. List of some sites you visit for certification information.
  12. List of some sites you visit for Microsoft technology information.
  13. Approximate number of hours you spend on the Internet per week.
  14. Approximate number of those hours spent on obtaining information in relation to certification (study or technical)

Only messages that provide a completed list of the information as requested will be considered for membership. Members will be picked at random from the list, then those messages will be evaluated based on their completeness and merits.


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