
  • News

    Business Objects Acquires OLAP@Work

    Business Objects announced the acquisition of OLAP@Work, which it purchased for about $15 million. Business Objects is a business intelligence (BI) solutions provider, and OLAP@Work is a provider of OLAP (online analytical processing) tools. 04/05/2000

  • News

    Dell Rolls Out Appliance Servers

    Dell waded into the appliance server business today with the introduction of its PowerApp line of Web servers and Internet caching servers. 04/05/2000

  • News

    Catapult Launches Inquisite Survey Software

  • News

    MCP TechMentor 2000, Day 2: Mark Minasi's Windows 2000 Report Card

  • News

    TradeMart Develops Employee Monitoring Software

    April 4, 2000 04/04/2000

  • News

    Microsoft Found Guilty as Charged

    Moving another step closer to a remedy in the antitrust case against Microsoft Corp., U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson today stated that the software giant is guilty of maintaining its monopoly through predatory and anti-competitive means. 04/03/2000

  • News

    Reports of Win2K Bug Hasty

    Earlier reports of a potential flaw in Windows 2000 have been debunked. The flaw, which was reported on the Internet last month, concerned servers used as domain controllers and connected to more than 51 IP addresses. 04/03/2000

  • News

    Microsoft Talks Dead, Stock Drops

    Federal judge Thomas Penfield Jackson has handed down his ruling - Microsoft is in violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act - and Microsoft's stock has plummeted 15.375 to $90.875. 04/03/2000

  • News

    BackOffice Server Conforms to the 2000 Naming Convention

    In a surprise to no one, Microsoft today officially revealed that the next version of BackOffice Server would be called BackOffice Server 2000. 04/03/2000

  • News

    Executive Sponsor Key to Deploying Win2K

    "Executive sponsor is absolutely critical" in large-scale Windows 2000 deployments, says Ty Carlson, Microsoft's Lead Product Manager of Windows 2000 Rapid Deployment Program at MCP TechMentor Confere 04/03/2000

  • News

    Lionbridge Expands Windows 2000 Logo Testing to 4th Veritest Lab

    Lionbridge Technologies expanded its Windows 2000 application certification testing to a fourth Veritest lab today in an effort to open the process to more international software developers. 04/03/2000

  • News

    Microsoft Unveils Windows Services for Unix 2.0

    Microsoft announced an upgrade to its Microsoft Windows Services for Unix. Version 2.0 is designed to bridge the gap between Windows 2000 and Unix-based network environments and will be launched at Networld + Interop in Las Vegas next month. 04/03/2000

  • Remote Control via Browser

    RemotelyAnywhere controls Windows NT and Windows 2000 via HTTP. 04/01/2000

  • Network Card with a Brain

    New Etherlink card saves CPU cycles. 04/01/2000

  • Taking Shortcuts that Count

    NT Service Account Manager 2.0 offers relief for those admin tasks that you might classify under "repetitive and boring." 04/01/2000

  • Active Directory Exposed

    A prerequisite read for anyone planning an AD implementation. 04/01/2000

  • Integrating the directories of various operating systems isn't a simple matter. Michael lays out the challenge.

    Meta-Directory Mindset

    Integrating the directories of various operating systems isn't a simple matter. Michael lays out the challenge. 04/01/2000

  • As MCP Magazine is learning, change can expose you to some unexpected challenges.

    The Ouch Factor

    As MCP Magazine is learning, change can expose you to some unexpected challenges. 04/01/2000

  • The first book on Windows 2000 certification is out -- and, in spite of its early arrival, it does a decent job of sparking your preparation efforts.

    Certification Jumpstart

    The first book on Windows 2000 certification is out -- and, in spite of its early arrival, it does a decent job of sparking your preparation efforts. 04/01/2000

  • When we asked Roberta to provide a list of the best Web sites for security information, she cleaned out her Favorites folder and rediscovered a few old friends.

    My Security Favorites

    When we asked Roberta to provide a list of the best Web sites for security information, she cleaned out her Favorites folder and rediscovered a few old friends. 04/01/2000

  • Unclog Your Network

    Want your network traffic to flow fast, furious and unfettered? If so, check out these Quality of Service and bandwidth management tools. 04/01/2000

  • In-Depth

    Systems Engineering: COM+, The Secret to High-Performance Application Servers

    An understanding of COM+ will help you troubleshoot and resolve application problems. 04/01/2000

  • Don't let the joys of telecommuting blind you to the perils.

    Time to Redecorate!

    Don't let the joys of telecommuting blind you to the perils. 04/01/2000

  • Objects, Part III. Ready to use some built-in Windows components to speed up routine tasks? Try these.

    Component-Based Administration

    Objects, Part III. Ready to use some built-in Windows components to speed up routine tasks? Try these. 04/01/2000

  • Advice on becoming a true professional.

    Can a Classroom Produce a Solid MCSE?

    Advice on becoming a true professional. 04/01/2000

  • We listened to our customers, our service partners, the MCP community, and vendors. We're confident that this attention will pay off for everyone.

    Betting Big on Windows 2000

    We listened to our customers, our service partners, the MCP community, and vendors. We're confident that this attention will pay off for everyone. 04/01/2000

  • Within the Walls of the Citadel

    WinShield and NetOff protect your network from the inside. 04/01/2000

  • A Tech-Head's Take on Scripting

    What if you read this book and don't need Chris's column on scripting anymore? 04/01/2000

  • Serving Up Terminal Server Edition

    A book that encapsulates what you need to know for administering Terminal Server and Citrix MetaFrame. 04/01/2000

  • Gaining a solid understanding of directory services in general and Active Directory specifically will help in your efforts to work with Windows 2000.

    A Directories Primer

    Gaining a solid understanding of directory services in general and Active Directory specifically will help in your efforts to work with Windows 2000. 04/01/2000

  • Panda Scans the Net

    Panda Software's Global Virus Protection 6.0 offers local and Internet protection. 04/01/2000

  • Programming Perfection

    Outfoxing the Visual FoxPro 6.0 Desktop Exam requires razor-sharp programming skills and the ability to design efficient and scalable solutions. 04/01/2000

  • Plug and Play & Remote Site Backup

    ATL LanVault makes protecting data simple. 04/01/2000

  • Fax Magic

  • In-Depth

    The Best & Worst of Windows 2000

    The AD Revolution 04/01/2000

  • Distributed FoxPro

    This exam expects you—rightfully so—to be able to pick out the business requirements and their associated components in a logical model. 04/01/2000

  • News

    LiveVault Unveils Backup Monitoring System

    March 31, 2000 03/31/2000

  • News

    3 Giants Partner to Bundle Solutions

    Knosys, Microsoft, and Compaq recently partnered to offer a product bundle for data warehousing and analytic application platform solution. 03/31/2000

  • News

    Our Window/Joseph McKendrick: To the Victor, the Spoils

    At the Windows 2000 launch, Bill Gates appeared with Carlos Santana, and even plucked a few strings of the rock legend's guitar. Why is it every time I look at that picture of the two of them together, strains of "You've Got to Change Your Evil Ways" run through my mind? 03/31/2000

  • News

    Cisco Buys SightPath

    Cisco Systems Inc. has announced that it will purchase SightPath, a content delivery company. 03/30/2000

  • News

    Dataquest: EMC is Market Leader in Storage Management Software Space

    Driven by strong growth in its software products, EMC surpassed IBM/Tivoli and Computer Associates (CA) to clinch the top spot in the worldwide storage management software market in 1999, a market research firm reports. 03/30/2000

  • News

    Microsoft, Comdisco Team on Windows Solutions

    Comdisco and Microsoft will partner to offer a suite of services to enable businesses to achieve the highest levels of uptime for their mission-critical and Web-based applications running on Windows NT and 2000 Server platforms. 03/30/2000

  • News

    Microsoft Rethinking Settlement Offer?

    The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Microsoft plans to make further "substantial" offers in its attempt to settle the government's antitrust case against it. 03/30/2000

  • News

    TSS Delivers Security Installer

    March 30, 2000 03/30/2000

  • News

    Seagate Goes Private

    In a byzantine transaction last night, Seagate Technology became a private company. The deal is valued at approximately $20 billion. 03/30/2000

  • News

    MGE Offers Newest Power Supply

  • News

    CyberSafe, Microsoft Team on New Security System

  • News

    IBM Unveils Web Server Appliance with Optimized Windows 2000 Code

    Trying to get in on the server appliance future that analysts are predicting will be big business in a few years, IBM today unveiled the first of its line of appliance servers. 03/29/2000

  • News

    Gadzoox, XIOtech Team on SAN Solutions

    March 29, 2000 03/29/2000

  • News

    AMD Offers W2K, Linux Drivers for Ethernet


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