
  • This replacement adds thread and window management.

    A Better Task Manager?

    This replacement adds thread and window management. 07/01/2001

  • Windows Insider

    Respecting Authority

    CAs play a vital role in managing identity between networks and aren’t difficult to install—as long as you plan wisely. 07/01/2001

  • XPerience the Delays

    Hey, Redmond! When it comes to the latest, take the time to make sure it’s the greatest. 07/01/2001

  • Administrative Tools Folder Exposed

    These Windows 2000 administration tools will help you get through the day more quickly. 07/01/2001

  • In-Depth

    Sonic Boom! Windows 2002 Smashes the Barrier

    The next version of Windows is a worthy upgrade from Windows 2000, addressing several weaknesses and adding needed functionality. A Windows expert briefs you on the features and the limitations. 07/01/2001

  • Syncsort’s Backup Express is a powerful package, but that strength comes at a price.

    Enterprising Backup

    Syncsort’s Backup Express is a powerful package, but that strength comes at a price. 07/01/2001

  • In-Depth

    Windows XP: The Most Stable Desktop OS Yet

    Some quick basics about Windows XP, including reliability and recoverability. 07/01/2001

  • You may think of PERL as something for Unix gurus, but wise Windows administrators can also benefit from this powerful scripting language.

    PERL’s Hidden Treasures

    You may think of PERL as something for Unix gurus, but wise Windows administrators can also benefit from this powerful scripting language. 07/01/2001

  • Moving personality profiles from another OS to Windows 2000 used to be a tedious process. These tools can turbo-charge that task.

    User Migrations: PC Transplant Pro 2.1

    Moving personality profiles from another OS to Windows 2000 used to be a tedious process. These tools can turbo-charge that task. 07/01/2001

  • Questioning Success, Part 1

    Digging into practice questions reveals strategies that may help you pass the Windows 2000 Professional exam. 07/01/2001

  • Moving personality profiles from another OS to Windows 2000 used to be a tedious process. These tools can turbo-charge that task.

    Make User Migrations Fly

    Moving personality profiles from another OS to Windows 2000 used to be a tedious process. These tools can turbo-charge that task. 07/01/2001

  • In-Depth

    Step on Boot Problems

    Knowing exactly how your Windows 2000 Server starts up can get you out of some tight spots. 07/01/2001

  • Security Advisor

    Digging a Tunnel

    As a company grows, so does its need for fast, secure connectivity. Enter ISA Server, a caching firewall that also serves as a nifty VPN endpoint. 07/01/2001

  • Learning Curves

    Has your training center hugged you today? 07/01/2001

  • Class Rules

    By digging into the advanced capabilities of classes, you can harness the power of VBScript and do some pretty darn amazing things. 07/01/2001

  • Demanding Data Design

    The design and implementation of a database can make the difference between a well-tuned application and one that's a thorn in your side. The SQL Server 2000 Design exam tests your expertise in both. 07/01/2001

  • The Road Best Traveled

    With so many roads to choose from, which certification path should you follow? 07/01/2001

  • News

    MOM Gets into .NET Management

    Microsoft demonstrated Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 at Networld+Interop. 07/01/2001

  • News

    Attracting Students to C# With FreeBSD

    Microsoft is working with Corel to get C# running on FreeBSD. One industry observer says Microsoft's motivation is reclaiming students (i.e. future developers) from open source. 06/28/2001

  • News

    Appeals Court Revokes Jackson's Break-Up Order

    The constantly spinning worm that is the Microsoft antitrust case turned in Microsoft's favor as a federal appeals court vacated the break-up order against Microsoft. The court didn't touch the lower court's finding that Microsoft violated antitrust laws. 06/28/2001

  • In-Depth

    Weigh Your Training Options

    You want a career in IT, but how do you get the skills? It's time to look at your IT training options. 06/28/2001

  • News

    Update: Microsoft Clears High Hurdle in Appeals Court

    U.S. Court of Appeals has reversed the breakup order handed down by Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson. 06/28/2001

  • News

    Intel Speeding up Pentium 4

    Intel will bring out a 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 processor in July. 06/28/2001

  • News

    Compaq, IBM Roll Out New Server Hardware

    Compaq unveils ProLiants with memory protection features. IBM shows off servers built on Intel's Tualatin processors. 06/27/2001

  • News

    RC1 for Windows XP Coming Within 10 Days

    Microsoft will put out the first release candidate for Windows XP within 10 days, a Microsoft official says. The company expects a $1 billion marketing campaign for the new client OS. 06/27/2001

  • News

    Outlook 2001 Fleshes Out Microsoft's Cross-Platform Story

    Microsoft Corp. Wednesday posted to its download Web site the final code of Outlook 2001, a version of its Outlook mail and collaboration client for Macintosh platforms. 06/27/2001

  • News

    FrontPage 98 Exam Retirement Nears

    June 30 also means end for MCP+Site Building title. 06/26/2001

  • News

    Limited LDAP Vulnerability Surfaces

    Microsoft alerted customers Tuesday to the existence of a new vulnerability in Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server that affects the software giant's Active Directory enterprise directory services. 06/26/2001

  • News

    Win2K MCSE Survey: Upgrade IS in Your Future

    Survey of newsletter recipients indicates large number of NT 4.0 MCSEs plan to recertify before the deadline. 06/26/2001

  • News

    Exchange Service Pack Full of Features

    With most products Microsoft is moving away from new features in service packs. The Exchange 2000 service pack bucks the trend, adding migration help, Outlook 2002 and support for a new anti-virus API, Mobile Information Server and Datacenter Server. 06/26/2001

  • News

    Compaq Bets Big on Itanium, Alpha Getting Phased Out

    Compaq Computer Corp. solidified its commitment to Itanium Monday by handing over production of its high-end Alpha microprocessor to Intel Corp. and sentencing the chip to a phase-out ending in 2004. 06/25/2001

  • News

    Stratus Ships Fault Tolerant W2K Box

    Stratus Technologies brought its fault-tolerant hardware to Windows 2000 on Monday, nine months behind schedule and at a slightly higher price point than originally planned. 06/25/2001

  • In-Depth

    Covering Cover Letters

    Does your resume need a cover letter? If you insist, what traits make for an effective, attention-getting one? 06/25/2001

  • News

    Microsoft Patches Three More Bugs

    Microsoft issued two new security bulletins this morning - and in the process updated an older security bulletin to reflect a new vulnerability - thus capping one of its busiest weeks on the security front in recent history. 06/22/2001

  • News

    Washington Considers IT Training Tax Credit

    A bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in May that would offer individuals and employers up to $2,000 in tax credits for IT training expenses. 06/21/2001

  • News

    SQL Server: Look How It's Grown

    Revenues on SQL Server reached $1 billion in the recently ended fiscal year. 06/21/2001

  • News

    Today: Chat and Win IT Books

    Jill Gebelt on 70-240 Win2K Accelerated exam. Plus, from Greg Neilson answers your career questions. 06/21/2001

  • News

    Insight Into Your AD

    NetPro’s DirectoryInsight records AD infrastructure and configuration changes. 06/21/2001

  • News

    Microsoft Releases Patch for Security Vulnerability

    Microsoft has released a patch to fight what it deems an “extremely serious vulnerability” in IIS 5.0, its most recent Web server. 06/21/2001

  • News

    Track Your Transcript

    Dan Wallace, an MCP in the Dallas area, wants to warn other MCPs to make sure their transcripts reflect the current state of exams they’ve passed. 06/21/2001

  • News

    MOM Released to Manufacturing

    Microsoft this week released to manufacturing its Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2000, a consolidated management environment for data centers based on Microsoft Windows 2000 servers and .NET family applications. 06/21/2001

  • News

    Tools for Keeping up with a Flood of Security Patches

    Notice a lot of security patches out of Microsoft lately? Two tools vendors update their products at TechEd with different approaches to help enterprises keep up. 06/21/2001

  • News

    BeachFront Releases New Win2K Exam Preps

    BeachFront Quizzer, an exam-prep company, has released five new Windows 2000 exam preps. 06/21/2001

  • News

    Keeper Of The Disk

    Executive Software has released Diskeeper 6.0, which speeds up your network by cleaning up your server’s hard drives. 06/21/2001

  • News

    A New Course for MCTs

    In an effort to ensure that its certified trainers stay up to date on the latest products coming out of Redmond, Microsoft announced a new set of requirements for its MCT 2002 program, which goes into 06/21/2001

  • News

    Sun, Oracle Partner Against .NET

    Sun Microsystems Inc. and Oracle Corp. fired a collective shot across Microsoft Corp.'s bow when the two companies took the wraps off of a new development services toolkit - dubbed Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) - that they hope will lure developers away from the software giant's competing .NET initiative. 06/20/2001

  • News

    UPDATE:Canadian MCSEs Face Conundrum

    Advice from Microsoft to Canadian MCSEs: Don't call yourself an engineer-unless you're licensed. 06/20/2001

  • News

    Is it Time for a Mainframe Security Model?

    The circumstances which attended the IIS vulnerability that Microsoft Corp. patched this week served to highlight the vast differences that still exist between Windows 2000 and the Big Iron mainframe, which to this day is viewed as a reference standard in most segments of enterprise computing. 06/20/2001

  • News

    Forget Windows 2002: Whistler Gets a New Name

    ATLANTA -- Microsoft revealed Tuesday that its next generation server operating systems, code named Whistler, will be named Windows .NET Servers. 06/19/2001

  • News

    Gates Announces Beta 2 of Visual Studio .NET

    ATLANTA -- The Beta 2 version of Visual Studio .NET is available, and a final version will ship this year, Bill Gates promised Tuesday. 06/19/2001

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