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    Microsoft Patches Outlook Web Access Again

    In a reprise of a now familiar scenario, Microsoft alerted Exchange 2000 administrators to the discovery of another vulnerability in Exchange’s Outlook Web Access (OWA) component that it says could be exploited by an attacker to perpetrate denial-of-service (DoS). 09/27/2001

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    Legato Ports NetWorker Recovery Manager to NT

    Legato Systems Inc. this week made its NetWorker Recovery Manager available for Windows NT systems. 09/27/2001

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    NEC Intros Fault-Tolerant Server to U.S.

    NEC Computers Inc. this week introduced its fault-tolerant server running Windows 2000 Advanced Server to the U.S. market. 09/26/2001

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    Gartner: Consider Dumping IIS

    In the wake of Code Red and Nimda, analyst firm Gartner recommends that enterprises running IIS take a hard look at switching to Apache or iPlanet. 09/26/2001

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    New York Launch for XP on Track

    Microsoft will still launch Windows XP in New York City Oct. 25 despite the terrorist attacks that brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. 09/26/2001

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    Major Apps Certified for Datacenter Server

    SAP and Tivoli earn certification for their applications to run on Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. Baan, CA, Crystal Decisions and SAS among those in the process of getting certified, Microsoft says. 09/26/2001

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    Exam Updates

    More than a year after Microsoft began releasing its first batch of Windows 2000 exams, the company has begun sharing details about the number of Win2K exams it has issued. 09/25/2001

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    Digital TechCorp May Bridge Gap Between Public and Private IT

    Congressman Tom Davis behind legislation to swap public and private sector IT pros. 09/25/2001

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    Is the Worst Over for IT Hiring?

    Are you a dot-com casualty? IT refugee? Newly minted MCSE entering the job market? If so, your employment outlook may not be quite as bleak as it was just a few months ago. 09/25/2001

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    Microsoft Provides Beta JDBC Driver for SQL Server

    For the first time, Microsoft offers a Java data access driver for its SQL Server database. Microsoft still evaluating whether to provide the finished driver to SQL Server standard customers or SQL Server Enterprise Edition customers only. 09/25/2001

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    Intel Launches 2 GHz Xeon for Workstations

    Intel introduced a 2 GHz Xeon processor for dual-processor workstations on Tuesday. 09/25/2001

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    Windows Alternates: Cobalt Cube Review

    The Cobalt Qube proposes to consolidate almost any conceivable network service – from DNS to DHCP to SNMP; from NAT to file sharing to firewalling; from POP to SMTP to HTTP – into a small cube-shaped box with a beguiling 25-square-inch footprint. 09/24/2001

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    VeriSign to Buy Illuminet

    Security vendor VeriSign said Monday that it will buy carrier networking provider Illuminet for $1.2 billion. 09/24/2001

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    CERT: Nimda Reports Slowing Down

    Nimda worm-related activity is tapering off, according to the computer security watchdog group CERT. 09/24/2001

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    Review: Windows XP's Built-in Firewall

    The firewall built into Windows XP may give some enterprises the base-level functionality required to support home office and limited remote office environments. 09/24/2001

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    Scale-Out: Compaq -- Again -- Takes Top Spot in TPC-C

    Compaq gangs up 32 Windows servers to once again set the raw performance record for OLTP scalability. 09/20/2001

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    Scale-Up: Wintel Loses a Price-Performance Battle

    A Hewlett-Packard Co. benchmark published this week represents the first time in recent memory that any Unix system has outperformed a Windows system on price for comparable performance. 09/20/2001

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    Aelita Releases Two Management Tools

    Aelita Software released new versions of two Windows 2000-based management tools: EventAdmin 6.0 for collection and analysis of performance data across an enterprise and Enterprise Directory Reporter 5.0 for collecting and reporting directory and configuration data. 09/20/2001

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    Microsoft Opens Passport, Renames Hailstorm

    Microsoft will build Kerberos into its Passport authentication service in order to make the single sign-in technology interoperable with other services. Hailstorm, the superset of services that includes Passport, is renamed .NET My Services. 09/20/2001

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    Office v. X for Mac to Ship in November

    Microsoft Wednesday officially unveiled a new version of its Office productivity suite that it says is designed to run on Apple Computer Inc.’s Macintosh OS X operating system. 09/19/2001

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    IDC: Microsoft's Share of OS Market Huge -- And Growing

    Recent market research from IDC paints a picture of Microsoft marching inexorably to a much greater share of operating environment revenues -- both client and server -- over the next few years. 09/19/2001

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    Microsoft OLAP Server Performs Well in Survey

    Microsoft's OLAP product, bundled free in SQL Server, outperformed its more expensive competitors in some categories of a recent user survey done jointly by a longtime OLAP industry analyst and a business intelligence research firm. 09/19/2001

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    New Mass-Mailing Worm in the Wild

    Security experts Tuesday confirmed the existence of a new attack worm that affects all Win32-based platforms and which has the potential to spread rapidly from one vulnerable system to the next. 09/18/2001

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    Gartner: Beat Microsoft's Licensing Deadline

    Analysts at Gartner this week urged enterprise customers to carefully review their Microsoft licenses -- enterprises may be able to save a lot of money by renewing contracts before Microsoft's new licensing structure goes into effect Oct. 1. 09/18/2001

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    Microsoft-Specific Storage Solutions Proliferate

    Several software and hardware vendors in recent weeks unveiled storage solutions targeted at helping administrators with certain tasks in Microsoft .NET Enterprise Server and general Windows server environments. 09/17/2001

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    Disaster Recovery for Windows Environments

    Gartner research on disaster recovery, made free as a public service in the wake of terrorist attacks, lays out disaster recovery options for Windows environments. 09/17/2001

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    Terrorist Attacks a Disaster Recovery Wake-Up Call

    Compared to the death and suffering caused by the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the associated loss of business data pales in importance. But there can be little doubt the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington raised the profile of the need for disaster recovery plans. 09/17/2001

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    Storage Vendors Beef Up Disk Arrays

    EMC and HP upgrade their biggest disk arrays with 181-GB drives to greatly increase the capacity of the big cabinets. Meanwhile, network-attached storage vendors roll out NAS devices with capacities challenging the previous generation of data-center cabinets. 09/17/2001

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    N+I Roundup: 10 Gbps, Wireless Products Debut

    Although Fall Networld+Interop (N+I) 2001 ground to an effective halt on account of the terrorist attacks last week, several major vendors nonetheless managed to announce new products at the networking-oriented tradeshow. 09/17/2001

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    NY Red Cross Overwhelmed by Offers of Technical Help

    A volunteer at the NYC-branch of the Red Cross told today that the office has been "flooded" with offers of both computer equipment and technical assistance. 09/14/2001

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    Microsoft, PASS Postpone SQL Server Conference reports that Microsoft Corp. and the user group for SQL Server postponed their annual SQL Server conference scheduled for next week due to the terrorist attacks of Tuesday. 09/14/2001

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    Microsoft Points to Old Patch for Code Blue Protection

    Microsoft directed users of its Web server software to a year-old patch for protection against the recently discovered Code Blue vulnerability -- a worm with a limited presence in the wild. 09/13/2001

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    Microsoft Clarifies Datacenter LE Release Plans

    Users who buy Microsoft's newly unveiled Windows Datacenter Server Limited Edition operating system will be eligible for a free upgrade to Windows .NET Datacenter Server, which will ship at the same time as the rest of the Windows .NET Server products, a Microsoft official says. 09/13/2001

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    IIS Security Tool Screens Incoming Traffic

    Microsoft this week gave Web server administrators a tool that lets them act as a border guard -- stopping suspicious requests before they damage IIS boxes. 09/13/2001

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    Microsoft, PASS Postpone SQL Server Conference

    Microsoft and the user group for SQL Server on Thursday postponed their annual SQL Server conference scheduled for next week due to the terrorist attacks of Tuesday. 09/13/2001

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    CERT: No Spike in Internet Attacks After Plane Crashes

    The IT security watchdog group at the CERT Coordination Center reported Wednesday that all appeared quiet on the cyberfront in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the United States. 09/12/2001

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    Microsoft Unveils Scale-Up Version of Datacenter

    Microsoft this week announced a special, scale-up version of Windows Datacenter Server. Officially called Windows Datacenter Server Limited Edition, the 32-bit operating system built on the Whistler code base is specifically tuned for systems with more than 16 processors. 09/12/2001

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    Microsoft Patches RPC Vulnerability Affecting NT 4

    Microsoft this week patched a hole in Windows NT 4.0’s RPC service that leaves NT systems vulnerable to Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. 09/12/2001

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    Opinion: Greg Scott Mulls Alpha, HP and Antitrust Appeals

    ENT columnist and DEC veteran Greg Scott considers the momentous summer that saw Compaq dump Alpha, HP offer to buy Compaq, and Microsoft's apparent dodge of a break-up. 09/12/2001

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    Unisys Publishes TPC-C Benchmark

    Unisys this week published a TPC-C benchmark, the industry standard measure of OLTP scalability, for a 32-processor system running Windows Datacenter Server. The result puts a Microsoft-Intel system in the performance neighborhood of Unix/RISC systems. 09/12/2001

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    MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 4 and 5 Roundup

    Security, Exchange, security and Windows 2000 migration fill the last two days of the conference schedule for reader Rick Johnson. 09/08/2001

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    New Outlook Web Access Vulnerability Discovered

    Microsoft alerted administrators to a new vulnerability in Exchange 5.5’s Outlook Web Access. Meanwhile, CERT issued an advisory about a security problem with the Gauntlet firewall. 09/07/2001

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    MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 3: Active Directory Drain Brain reader Rick Johnson gets a good dose of Active Directory technical and certification info during the Thursday sessions. 09/07/2001

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    Gartner Predicts Failure of HP-Compaq Deal

    IT analyst firm Gartner gives the Hewlett-Packard Co. deal to acquire Compaq Computer Corp. a better than 50-50 chance of falling through. 09/06/2001

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    DOJ Won't Seek Microsoft Break-Up

    The Justice Department on Thursday told Microsoft that it will not seek to break up the company in the remedy phase. The government also decided to drop the tying claim. At the same time, the government signalled its intent to look closely at Microsoft's most recent practices -- a move that could drag Windows XP into the antitrust case. 09/06/2001

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    MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 2: The Humorous World of IT?

    Our intrepid conference attendee/reporter finds a product amid the marketing hype and gets up to speed on IP and Group Policies at the first official conference day. 09/06/2001

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    Precise Buys W. Quinn

    Systems and application management vendor Precise Software Solutions announced on Wednesday that it had acquired Windows NT/2000 storage management specialist W. Quinn Associates Inc. in a $35 million dollar deal. 09/06/2001

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    900 MHz PIII Xeon Shipments Resume

    Server vendors are beginning to ship servers loaded with 900 MHz Pentium III Xeons again after a problem with the high-end processors caused Intel Corp. to temporarily interrupt the flow of the chips. 09/05/2001

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    MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 1: Pre-Conference Workshops invited a reader to attend the MCP TechMentor Conference in San Francisco. We offered him free attendance in exchange for a daily report on his conference experiences. 09/05/2001

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    64-bit XP to be Generally Available Oct. 25

    With the Windows XP launch on Oct. 25, Microsoft will complete the client half of its 64-bit computing equation. 09/05/2001

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