
  • News

    CALL FOR USERS: Looking for SMS 2003 Implementers

    Have any of you switched to Microsoft's SMS 2003 since it became available in November of 2003? If you've made the move, we want to hear your stories. 02/12/2004

  • News

    ISV to Extend SQL Reporting Services to Generate Word, Excel Reports

    SoftArtisans, which already sells a reporting product that generates and delivers reports in Word and Excel, announced plans to extend its functionality to support Microsoft's new SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services. 02/12/2004

  • News

    IDC: Manufacturing, Banking Spending Most on IT

    If you're in IT in manufacturing or banking, 2004 could be a busy year for new projects -- but busy is better than the alternative, right? According to newly published data from researchers at IDC, those are the two vertical markets in the United States that will be spending the most money on IT in 2004. 02/12/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Courses Now Available Online

    Microsoft makes seven titles targeting Windows 2003 training available via on-demand service. 02/12/2004

  • News

    Opinion: A SCO Win Could Hurt Microsoft, Too

    If SCO Group won its lawsuit against IBM, Red Hat, and Novell over the intellectual property rights to Linux code, it would seem cause for dancing in the streets of Redmond. However, a SCO victory doesn’t necessarily bode well for Microsoft in the long run, either. 02/11/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Under Fire for Patch Delay

    The patch Microsoft released on Tuesday for one of the most severe flaws yet discovered in Windows has the company under renewed scrutiny about the length of time it takes to fix security problems. 02/11/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Patch Day Brings 3 New Security Fixes

    Tuesday was Microsoft's monthly patch day, and the company marked the date with three new security bulletins, including one critical new bulletin for Windows. In all Microsoft bundled four security bulletins, including one it issued for Internet Explorer last week outside its normal patch cycle. 02/10/2004

  • News

    IDC: Server Market Gained in 2003

    The worldwide server market got a slight bounce in 2003, according to preliminary numbers for the year compiled by IDC in a report published this month. 02/10/2004

  • News

    Juniper Takes on Cisco with NetScreen Acquisition

    If nothing else, Juniper Networks' $4 billion acquisition of NetScreen Technologies Monday is a strong indication that the networking market segment is poised for a recovery in 2004. 02/10/2004

  • News

    MyDoom.B Causes Microsoft Problems

    Although Microsoft enjoyed early success in fending off the distributed denial of service attack programmed into the fast-spreading MyDoom.B, the mass-mailing worm is inflicting an increasing amount of damage against the software giant's servers. 02/09/2004

  • News

    ISA Server 2000 Getting Price Cut

    Microsoft alerted partners on Monday to an upcoming deal on Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2000, the company's enterprise software firewall that is scheduled to be replaced later this year by ISA 2004. 02/09/2004

  • The Perils of Patching

    The process of keeping systems updated shouldn't be treated as the mindless that we mistake it for; no strategy is an invitation to disaster. 02/09/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Launching Windows Server System Campaign

    Next week, Microsoft will launch its first advertising campaign around the Windows Server System, an indication that Microsoft is committed to its latest branding of the back-end server products that run on top of Windows. 02/05/2004

  • News

    Crystal Reports to Stay in Visual Studio

    Although Microsoft launched its own enterprise reporting tool last week, the software giant will continue packaging the competitive Business Objects Crystal Reports tool inside the Microsoft Visual Studio developer suite for now and into the next Visual Studio release, code-named "Whidbey." 02/05/2004

  • News

    Web Server Survey Finds IIS Powers More High-Traffic Sites Than Apache

    Microsoft IIS slightly edges out the open-source Apache Web server in the percentage of the 1,000 highest-traffic sites that run each Web server, a new survey finds. 02/05/2004

  • News

    Users Cheer Microsoft’s New Reporting Services

    Testers laud ability to create more seamless applications and its deeper level of report creation and management. 02/04/2004

  • A Call to Arms, Continued

    Letters from the security front. 02/04/2004

  • News

    CompTIA Updating Server+

    Slated for later this year, updates don't affect MCP candidate plans. 02/03/2004

  • News

    Desktop Apps Exam Now Live

    Exam for testing help desk support skills now available; MCDST also now officially live. 02/03/2004

  • News

    Oracle Slashes Prices of Entry-Level Database

    Oracle announced lower prices for the entry-level version of its new Oracle Database 10g, which is shipping now for Unix and Linux and will be available for Windows later. 02/03/2004

  • A Call to Arms

    Enlist everyone, even your relatives, in the fight against the spread of malware. 02/02/2004

  • News

    IE Phishing Vulnerability Patched

    Microsoft on Monday released the much-anticipated fix for a flaw that is already being exploited in Internet Explorer that allowed the widespread "phishing" attacks through e-mail. 02/02/2004

  • Do You Need Multiple Forests?

    One forest is easier to manage than multiple forests, but it might not be secure enough. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Longhorn: The Base Operating System

    The complex model for Longhorn's base operating system illustrates how Microsoft has organized it, as well as where any piece you're interested in fits into the larger view. 02/01/2004

  • Scripting Tweaks

    This tool creates scripts for tweaking remote systems. 02/01/2004

  • Manage SharePoint Lists

    Use the Lists Web service and CAML to update Windows SharePoint Services' MSDE database. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Automate Your Security

    Many security-related tasks can be tedious—and, therefore, overlooked. Using these 10 scripts can make your life easier, while simultaneously locking down your network. 02/01/2004

  • Secret Agent Plan

    A reader's encrypted files are safe and recoverable if he turned on the Data Recovery Agent. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    The Mirror Crack’d

    This author figured that mirroring his e-mail drive was solid insurance against data loss. That theory was tested to the max when a drive failed. 02/01/2004

  • Global Catalog Placement

    How the GC plays a role in Active Directory. 02/01/2004

  • Manage Software Licensing

    First look at Desaware's Licensing System. 02/01/2004

  • Exchange 2003 Migration Roadmap

    Safely find your way to Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Indigo: The Longhorn Communications Layer

    Indigo is the core for communication in the next generation of Windows, code-named Longhorn. This model of its architecture gives you a good sense of what to expect from it. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Get a Grip on Longhorn

    The upcoming Windows version's refactored API and new graphics-presentation model, storage subsystem, and messaging services will bring development opportunities -- and challenges. 02/01/2004

  • Focus on the Present, Look to the Future

    VSM takes an in-depth look at the next version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, but rest assured the magazine's focus remain on the practical, hands-on code and samples. 02/01/2004

  • Windows Insider

    The Magic of RPC over HTTP

    If you have the latest and greatest from Microsoft—Windows Server 2003, Outlook 2003 and Exchange 2003—your users can get seamless remote access to e-mail. 02/01/2004

  • Task Scheduling Beyond Windows

    ActiveBatch simplifies and fine-tunes automation of tasks. 02/01/2004

  • Display Label Controls Vertically

    Take advantage of the GDI+ graphics library to change the orientation of the label controls in an application; also, use Word's spell check from within your .NET application. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Unshackled: Wireless Administration

    Admin tasks don’t end the moment IT pros step out of the office. These devices and software solutions can keep servers shining, no matter where you are. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Bind Data to WinForms Controls

    Display data programmatically with only a few lines of code, using the databinding features built into the .NET Framework's WinForms controls. 02/01/2004

  • Active Directory Cleanser

    Cull unused or deleted accounts using the LDIFDE tool and some scripting trickery. 02/01/2004

  • Monitor Your Systems Easily

    Use free tools from Microsoft to monitor your systems and make sure they are running properly 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    WinFS: The Longhorn Data Layer

    WinFS offers new ways to interact with data that redefine how the operations system offers up data. Check out what's new with a snapshot of its current architecture model. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Longhorn's Architecture

    Longhorn is the next major version of Microsoft's Windows operating system for consumers. These architectural models show how everything fits together. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Books: .NET Impacts Existing Patterns

    .NET Patterns by Christian Thilmany shows you how the .NET Framework impacts existing patterns, which are recurring solutions to software design problems. The author covers patterns in detail, focusing on exception handling and logging the most. 02/01/2004

  • The Prime of Life

    If you think today’s PC hardware is astounding, stick around for a decade. 02/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Build a Longhorn App

    Longhorn includes significant changes that will affect developers, from how it handles graphics to how it stores data. Learn how to create a simple Longhorn app. 02/01/2004

  • Product Listings

    Take advantage of a number of VS.NET add-ins, including one that lets you implement and manage temporary links, which are URLs that are active for a limited amount of time and are typically used in software distribution and e-mail campaigns. 02/01/2004

  • Build a Simple File Watch App

    Learn new features to jazz up your WinForms apps with this month's handy FileWatch utility. FileWatch monitors files and directories for changes, and runs as a task tray icon. 02/01/2004

  • Failover That’s Worth a Double-Take

    NSI tool offers mirroring, replication and failover. 02/01/2004

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