
  • Giving Up Privilege

    Learn how to properly manage admin accounts. 03/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    The Project from Hell

    Three continents, incompetent management and an impossible deadline is a case study in how to NOT do a major upgrade. 03/01/2004

  • A Server By Any Other Name

    ....hums along smoothly, if the PDC is migrated correctly in this reader's NT-to-Windows 2003 upgrade. The Exchange 5.5-to-Exchange 2003 migration may be a tad more problematic. 03/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    File Replication Service: User-Friendly at Last

    The File Replication Service (FRS) has a justifiably bad reputation for bugginess and indecipherable logs. But recent changes from Redmond make it worth another look. 03/01/2004

  • Security Advisor

    Divide and Conquer

    Are you role-playing with your network? If not, you’re missing a powerful way to make it more secure. 03/01/2004

  • First National Bank of Bill

    What business is Microsoft in, anyhow? 03/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Books: Elevate VB.NET With Power Coding

    Visual Basic .NET Power Coding offers concise discussion and helpful examples of VB.NET's most complex topics, such as delegates, threading, remoting, Reflection, and security. 03/01/2004

  • From Cradle to Grave

    NetInstall manages an application’s complete life cycle. 03/01/2004

  • News

    Analyst Firm Questions Security of Windows 2003 for Critical Applications

    In a new report on Windows Server 2003 security, an analyst firm argues that while Microsoft made clear progress on the security of its flagship server operating system, Unix and Linux remain better choices for mission critical applications. 03/01/2004

  • Augment Default Controls With Inheritance

    Visual Studio .NET ships with a nice set of controls and classes to build Windows applications, but with only a little effort, you can augment these controls so they serve you better. 03/01/2004

  • No Holes Here

    Firewall Analyzer knows what your firewalls are doing. 03/01/2004

  • News

    Linux Hits Microsoft Desktop

    Conference news speaks of competing forces. 03/01/2004

  • Window of Opportunity

    Now is the time for those projects we've all been putting off. 03/01/2004

  • Accelerate the Delivery of .NET Apps

    Check out a number of .NET add-ins, including one that helps accelerate the deliver of .NET Framework solutions. 03/01/2004

  • Developers Turn to Blogs

    Blogging gives developers (and others) a new way to share information on the Web. Learn more about blogging, as well as FTP's own blogging site. 03/01/2004

  • It's Time for VB6+

    VB.NET is the way of the future, but Microsoft should provide developers with a VB6+ to ease the transition. 03/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Build Menus Dynamically

    Enhance your UIs' flexibility with dynamic coding that uses runtime conditions to determine menu behavior. 03/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Group Policy Strategy and Tactics

    Group policy is constantly evolving and has new functionality within Windows Server 2003. Here’s some basic training on what it can do. 03/01/2004

  • News

    Anti-Spam Law Ineffective

    Can Spam...Can't. 03/01/2004

  • Windows Insider

    Freeze Frame

    Windows Server 2003’s Volume Shadow Copy Service can help you stop time. Here’s how to take full advantage of it. 03/01/2004

  • Transform XML Visually

    Visual XSLT 2.0 integrates seamlessly into the VS.NET IDE to provide a powerful environment for developing XML transformations and XPath queries. 03/01/2004

  • News

    Study: Training Leads to Promotion, Employee Retention

    There's a bright future ahead for those taking training courses. 03/01/2004

  • Simplify Site Updates With Templates

    Use a template to create a consistent look and feel for a Web site that doesn't require the end user who updates the site to be a programmer himself. 03/01/2004

  • In-Depth

    Tame Your Storage with NAS

    Buying new servers and more direct-attached disks solves short-term storage issues but creates a bigger problem—the storage management nightmare. Network attached storage, which separates disks from servers, is one answer. We evaluate three top NAS solutions running Windows Storage Server. 03/01/2004

  • News

    Panel Discusses Role of Government in IT Security

    SAN FRANCISCO -- How large a role should government play in computer security? That delicate question was discussed before an audience of IT security folks -- the types who are famously skeptical of, or even downright hostile to, any suggestion of government interference in their industry. 02/27/2004

  • News

    NetSky.C Variant Pushes NetSky Family Up Malware Damage List

    The emergence of a fast-spreading C variant is pushing the NetSky virus family up a widely watched list of the most damaging viruses and worms. 02/26/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Outlines Anti-Spam Technical Roadmap

    Microsoft this week unveiled its long-awaited technical roadmap for combating spam, which the company identifies as the top complaint of its e-mail customers. 02/26/2004

  • News

    MyDoom.F Peaks

    Security experts believe the MyDoom.F virus hit its peak earlier in the week and infections are slowing. 02/26/2004

  • News

    The Role of Government in IT Security

    Special report, RSA Conference 2004: In a nutshell, panelists in IT governance discussion agree that government should play limited role, but they diverge on approaches. 02/26/2004

  • News

    New Association to Raise Cyber Security Awareness

    Security companies form coalition to combat growing threats of cyber- crime, cyber-terrorism. 02/25/2004

  • News

    Membership in Microsoft Virus Alliance Doubles

    Five antivirus firms joined Microsoft's Virus Information Alliance this week, doubling the size of the group. 02/25/2004

  • News

    Intel’s 64-bit Flip-Flop

    Company's new 64-bit Xeon chips complements 64-bit Itanium chips. 02/24/2004

  • News

    HP to Ship Opteron-based Systems

    HP formalized an arrangement with AMD to deliver servers based on AMD's Opteron 64-bit processor. 02/24/2004

  • News

    Gates Shows Off Windows XP Service Pack 2

    New security features promise more secure desktops, says Microsoft chairman at RSA Conference 2004. 02/24/2004

  • News

    MCDST Exams, Courses Discounted

    Microsoft promoting MCDST title with exam discount available at worldwide CTECs, testing centers; courses also discounted in U.S. 02/24/2004

  • The Microsoft Security Debate, Part Two

    Roberta responds to the critics of Microsoft's methods. 02/23/2004

  • News

    Developer Exams Spotlight Security

    Microsoft plans to beta test two new security-related developer exams April 21 through May 4. 02/20/2004

  • In-Depth

    MCSE Specializations

    Systems engineer premier specialist titles for those whose job roles focus on messaging, security. 02/20/2004

  • In-Depth

    MCSA Specializations

    Sysadmin titles for those whose jobs focus on messaging, security. 02/20/2004

  • News

    Extensions Give Intel 2-Prong Attack Against AMD

    Intel this week unveiled its plans to roll out 64-bit extensions for its Intel Xeon line of high-end 32-bit processors, formalizing one of Intel's long-anticipated responses to the AMD processors that offer 64-bit computing using the x86 instruction set. 02/19/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Speech Server to Launch in March

    Microsoft is revving up to release its packaged speech-enablement server product next month. 02/19/2004

  • News

    Milestone: More Web Sites Run by Windows 2003 Than NT 4

    In a snapshot of Windows Server 2003 deployment patterns, Web researchers at Netcraft this month found that the number of hostnames found on Web servers running Windows Server 2003 just passed the number running Windows NT. 02/18/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Goes After Source Code Downloaders

    Microsoft's lawyers hit back on Wednesday against people viewing the leaked Windows source code by sending letters to individuals and posting alerts within peer-to-peer networks. 02/18/2004

  • News

    Security Implementer Exam Now Available

    Exam counts toward MCSE: Security on Windows Server 2003 track. 02/18/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Virtual Server 2004 Inches Toward Release

    Microsoft Virtual Server 2004 entered the private beta testing stage on Wednesday, and Microsoft says the product will be generally available in the first half of the year. 02/18/2004

  • The Microsoft Security Debate, Part One

    Two users critique Microsoft's understanding of security. 02/18/2004

  • News

    Dell Reports Record Quarter

    Dell on Thursday posted company records for product shipments, revenues, operating income, net income and earnings per share in the quarter ended Jan. 30. The computermaker credited much of its quarterly strength to growth in enterprise computing products. 02/12/2004

  • News

    Executive Software Updates Undelete Utility

    Executive Software released a refreshed version of its Undelete utility for recovering accidentally deleted files with a new feature that allows users to find their own files on the server without having to bother the IT department. 02/12/2004

  • News

    Microsoft Offers 30 Percent Off Exams in Latin America

    Microsoft Corp. recently announced a 30 percent discount off the price of all its certification exams in South and Central America. 02/12/2004

  • News

    Dell/EMC Roll Out 3 New Storage Systems

    Dell this week made available three networked storage systems in the Dell/EMC product lineup that replace three previous models. 02/12/2004

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