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Microsoft Premieres First TV Spot for Windows 10

The ad blitz for Windows 10 has begun. Microsoft last night premiered its first TV spot online for the new operating system, which the company is set to release over the air waves next week. The new Windows 10 spot introduces the personal assistant Cortana and Hello, the feature that aims to replace passwords with biometric authentication. Those two features promise to change the way people interact with Windows and Microsoft used babies and young children to bring this point home, saying that "these kids will grow up with Windows 10."

The 60-second spot is emotional yet gets to the heart of what Windows 10 is all about with the takeaway line: "Windows 10: The more human way to do." Microsoft posted the commercial on YouTube last night.

"The campaign tells the Windows 10 story through the lens of the newest generation, inviting people to join a new era with us," according to a post on Microsoft's Blogging Windows. The commercial shows young children "in their natural settings" in England, the U.S., Iceland Morocco and Thailand. According to the company, " the ads show how technology should be more natural, human and intuitive and adapt to people's needs. The key notion -- Windows 10 delivers a more human way to do."

The commercial kicks off Microsoft's year-long advertising and promotional campaign, which the company is calling "Upgrade Your World."  Microsoft's ability to convince everyday users to upgrade to Windows 10 will be critical to the future of the operating system. When it comes to advertising, Microsoft doesn't have the history of connecting with consumers the way others, notably Apple, has long been able to do. Of course convincing IT decision makers to roll it out on PCs over the next two years is equally crucial. But as more people bring their own devices to work (or use them for work), winning them over has never been more critical.

What do you think of the new commercial?

Posted by Jeffrey Schwartz on 07/20/2015


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