LinkedIn Pares Back Support for Outlook Social Connector
LinkedIn, the popular social network for business users, has informed customers that its social connector will no longer work with older versions of Outlook after next Monday, March 9.
The announcement, sent in an e-mail to customers, stated that the connector will still work with the most recent release, Outlook 2013. Those with Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010 will no longer be able to view information about their LinkedIn contacts, the company said in the e-mail.
"Our team is working with Microsoft to build even more powerful tools to help you stay connected with your professional world," according to the e-mail that I received this afternoon. "Until then you can get similar capabilities with the 'LinkedIn for Outlook' app for Outlook 2013 from the Office Store."
The move comes just over five years after Microsoft debuted the Outlook Social Connector for LinkedIn. Though I've tested the feature, I don't currently use it.
Do you use the connector actively, or at all? If you have an older version of Outlook is this move likely to convince you to upgrade to Outlook 2013?
Posted by Jeffrey Schwartz on 03/02/2015