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CA To Sell Off Arcserve Data Protection Business

CA Technologies on Monday said it is selling off its Arcserve data protection software business to Marlin Equity Partners, whose holdings include Changepoint, Critical Path, Openwave, Tellabs and VantagePoint.

The new company will take on the Arcserve name. Mike Crest, the current general manager of CA's Arcserve business, will become CEO of the new company. Terms of the deal, expected to close at the end of this calendar quarter, were not disclosed.

Developed more than two decades ago by Cheyenne Software, which CA acquired in 1996, Arcserve has a following of enterprise customers who use it to protect mission-critical systems.

CA just released the latest version of Arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP), which is available as a single offering for Linux, Unix and Windows systems. It includes extended agentless protection for Hyper-V and VMware virtual environments. However, the backup and recovery market has become competitive, and CA has been divesting a number of businesses since its new CEO, Mike Gregoire, took over last year.

Marlin has $3 billion in capital under management. "We are committed to providing the strategic and operational support necessary to create long-term value for Arcserve and look forward to working closely with CA Technologies through the transition," said Marlin VP Michael Anderson in a statement.

In a letter to partners, Chris Ross, VP for worldwide sales for CA's data-protection business, said the move will benefit Arcserve stakeholders. "Greater focus on company business functions, R&D and support will mean higher levels of service and customer satisfaction," Ross said. "Simply put, the new company will be purpose-built end-to-end for Arcserve's unique target customer segment, partner model and overall strategy."

Posted by Jeffrey Schwartz on 07/07/2014


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