Will MPN Drive Consolidation?
It's hard to believe it's already September. While that means back to school for many, it also means there's less than one month until the official launch of the long-awaited new Microsoft Partner Network.
Some may dispute whether it's long-awaited, I realize. After all, for some smaller partners, the new certification requirements could mean their once-coveted Gold Certified status will be no longer attainable.
But others are eagerly anticipating the change. One such firm is Tallan, a Microsoft National Systems Integrator (NSI) based in Hartford, Conn. As I reported today, Tallan has acquired twentysix New York, a move it said positions it for the pending changes.
"It wasn't really a concern and not a factor but now that they've announced it and gotten the rules out, it makes me feel easier we will be able to satisfy that we will be able to stay in the top tier of the program," says Craig Branning, Tallan's CEO. In fact, he welcomes the fact that it will be harder to achieve Gold status.
"I like it. It gives a company like ours some advantages because we can set ourselves apart," he says. "It was a little bit too easy to qualify for gold status for some of the smaller players."
How will MPN shape your business? Is it giving you the urge to merge? Are you looking at other partnering opportunities? Please share with us the good, the bad and the ugly as some did at the recent WPC 10 conference in Washington, D.C. You can drop me a line at [email protected].
Posted by Jeffrey Schwartz on 09/02/2010