Pender's Blog

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Editor's Note: Happy Trails, Gladys

Gladys Rama, who has been the editor, producer and overall guru of RCPU for several years now, is abandoning us here at 1105 Media to pursue her dream of traveling the world. Seriously, doesn't that sound fantastic? Applause to you for that, Gladys.

If you've ever wondered why I use the first-person plural in this newsletter, it's because RCPU is about a whole lot more than just me. Gladys has been the lynchpin of this operation, keeping RCPU running smoothly and mostly keeping me sane over the last few years. Not only is she one of the finest editors I've ever worked with, she has also put up with every lousy pun, every ridiculous YouTube link and every obscure pop culture reference I've dropped into this space over the years. For that, she deserves a combat medal of some sort.

I will miss Gladys immensely, and I wish her nothing but happiness and prosperity in her travels and in her life. Thank you, Gladys, for all you've done for me and for RCPU, and bon voyage. -- Lee Pender

Posted by Lee Pender on 03/18/2010 at 1:22 PM


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