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Paul Allen's View on Win 8 Sounds Just Like Yours!

Paul Allen is two things we aren't: he's a billionaire and Microsoft co-founder. For those reasons I'm paying attention to what Allen has to say about Windows 8. And what he says is surprisingly like what you all told me when I wrote a Win 8 review based entirely on the experiences of Redmond Report readers.

Allen generally likes the new OS, whereas my readers were entirely mixed. But he has the exact same concerns about the schizophrenic interface that jumps between the iPad-like UI to the more familiar traditional Windows interface.

Like you, Allen finds this confusing. As a life-long techie, Allen has a few workarounds such as tweaking Windows 8 to always open IE 10 as a desktop rather than a Metro app -- a browsing interface preferred by Paul.

Microsoft developers probably should have pulled Allen in early in the process as he found one disconcerting problem: bookmarks saved in Metro don't appear in Desktop (and vice versa).

Posted on 10/05/2012 at 1:19 PM


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