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Google Apps Jettison Older File Compatibility

Google continues to cut ties with older Microsoft technologies. Our last report showed that Google Apps wouldn't be supported on IE versions older than IE 8, which means XP users will have to move to Firefox or Chrome (which may be what Google had in mind in the first place!).

Now Google Docs will no longer export to older Microsoft Office formats and will mainly work with the newer DOCX files.

This is a bad, bad idea. As an editor I deal with files all the time, and not everyone has a late-model edition of Office that writes and reads DOCX. In fact, DOCX files are a huge pain for these Office users who have to use a filter to convert them to plain of DOC.

Should we all just suck it up and convert to these formats? Answers welcome at [email protected]

Posted by Doug Barney on 10/19/2012 at 1:19 PM


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