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Doug's Mailbag: Is Windows 8 Worth $40?

Readers share their thoughts on Microsoft's announced $40 upgrade price for Windows 8:

I've used the Windows 8 Preview and if given a copy, I would throw it in the trash. No, I would not pay $40 for the 'privilege' of running Windows 8. Without a touch screen, Windows 8 is a dog, and I can't see using a touch screen on the desktop. Hasn't MS tried that one before (Surface, anyone)?

As I test Windows 8 Release Preview in a VM environment, I'm astonished that Microsoft is betting the farm on this OS. It's so radically different, so bolted together with pieces/parts (like pseudo desktop), and so unintuitive with mouse-over functions that I have to believe there will be widespread consumer revolt when customers open their new PCs in the fall and find Windows 8 on them. They will go running back to the store and demand Windows 7. Microsoft is going to have to do much better messaging and training to convince people to make this leap. Without a better OS to sell, Windows 8 is the next Microsoft Bob.

Win 8 is pretty cool on a tablet, and I've been using it for several months now. However, that being said,  I'm not too happy about it on the desktop nor am I happy about the loss of the start button and aero theme. So for now I will stay with Win 7 on the desktop and will be using Win 8 on the tablet. I'm also looking forward to Windows Phone 8 devices and the added functionality that should come with it. So in summary: Metro/Win 8 on the phone and tablet -- cool; Win 8/Server 2012 on the desktop -- jury's still out.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 07/10/2012 at 1:19 PM


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