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Doug's Mailbag: Identity Crisis

Readers sound off on whether or not Microsoft goes a little overboard with its product name changes:

I agree with you. I'm sick and tired of Microsoft changing the names of the successors to their applications. I'm a MS guy all the way, but it's getting to the point where I'm hoping some new company will rise up and take the market away from it. I'm not crazy about Steve Ballmer's legacy and initiative to bring everything into the cloud either. I hope it backfires on him. I actually miss Bill Gate's legacy, which was just Windows.

Google sucks too. I don't like nor do I want my information publicly available or force to use their cloud services. My life is an open book and I have nothing to hide, but I don't like having my personal searching, profile, etc. available for everyone to see.

Microsoft needs part-time marketing people. Like full-time legislators in our federal and state governments, they have too much time on their hands and come up with these nutty ideas. I guess they like to stomp in the dirt and make a lot of dust -- going nowhere but in circles.

I still love your work, even though, being Australian, I don't get many of your American sporting reference jokes (I hope they are as witty as I imagine). However, dude, you need to get over the MS naming thing! Does this annoy you so much because you have a dash of Monk's OCD? (note that I can handle a certain amount of American TV references).

As long as we know what Microsoft means, it doesn't really matter what the products are called. Also, if it picked a decent development nickname (a big 'if' for Microsoft, I know), we might continue to use it after release, like we are doing with Google's Ice Cream Sandwich. Does any actually remember what that version number is? Who cares, and that's the point.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 05/09/2012 at 1:19 PM


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