Barney's Blog

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The End of the Year Is Near

I've been writing this newsletter two to three times a week for the past six years and barely ever is it a chore.

That's because I have an incredible active readership. In fact, most of my content comes from you. I usually write three hopefully readable items, and ask what you think. That's where the magic comes in. You, the IT pros, offer expert analysis, opinion, humor and sometimes slay me with words. And we publish all of it. I don't need to interview a bunch of analyst lunkheads and ponderous self-proclaimed pundits.

You have also made my writing life easier. If I want to dig into Windows 7, IE or the latest version of Exchange, you tell me in detail exactly what you think. We call these reader reviews, and it gives a deeper, more balanced view of key products than a typical lab review.

This is the last Redmond Report till the new year, so thanks to all, and enjoy a nice break with your friends and family.

Posted by Doug Barney on 12/22/2010 at 1:18 PM


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