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Windows 7 On a Roll

Microsoft couldn't be happier with Windows 7. It has almost completely removed that stain that was Vista and has now shipped nearly a quarter billion copies of this puppy. That means that one in five Windows personal computer is actually using the latest version of Windows. Not bad for an OS barely a year old.

I was never a fan of XP -- it always flaked out on me after a while. And I wisely avoided Vista (as did the IT department for my company).

Now I'm on Windows 7 and am reasonably happy. Actually, I am way happier after uninstalling Symantec and putting on Microsoft Security Essentials (who would have thunk?). Now the Web is faster and I'm not blocked from visiting what Symantec though were rogue sites, like Hotmail and!

Posted by Doug Barney on 11/05/2010 at 1:18 PM


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