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Doug's Mailbag: Google Suing Goverment, Who Uses MySpace?

Readers chime in on whether Google is right or wrong for suing the Interior Department over its choosing of Microsoft-based cloud apps:

I think you are missing the point. It is not my opinion on whether Google's apps are superior to Microsoft's. It is the Interior Department's leadership that has to make that decision. What I don't like about the Feds in this case is they are not allowing an open competition in the marketplace to work itself through the system.

To me the issue isn't if the MS product is more secure or not. When you're dealing with a government entity that is spending (and spending and spending) our tax dollars, it is wrong for them to request "bids" that only allow one product.

The purpose of the bidding process is to ensure that the service is received for the best price. What would people think if they requested a bid for a fighter plane and in the proposal specified that only Lockheed Martin planes would be accepted?

Maybe the MS solutions is more secure (how weird is that?!), but to artificially cut out any other service without proper investigation is wrong and defeats the purpose.

Doug wants to know if you still use MySpace:

My kids (teens) and their friends use both MySpace and Facebook, though the latter is the busier of the two. (I find it interesting that my Outlook spellchecker recognizes MySpace, but not Facebook).

Oh, and I like Fran Drescher's laugh, but that may be because it's attached to Fran Drescher's body.

A lot of bands use MySpace.

I'm linked to Little Fish, Bleech, The Feeling and a local vocalist Jodi Brooker.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 11/10/2010 at 1:18 PM


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