Windows Servers

Automated System Recovery and System Restore in Windows XP

Windows XP has more efficient tools for backup and recovery.

Fundamentals of Networking

A solid reference to networking technologies for the novice.

Balancing Act

Component Load Balancing, a feature of Application Center 2000 that works in the middle tier, can help your Web and other applications scale out in a new way.

What's the Problem?

Our experts troubleshoot your technical problems.

No Secrets with DSA

Manage security with NetIQ’s Directory Security Administrator.

After the Crash

It’s not a matter of “if,” but “when,” your system turns that particular shade of blue that makes administrators see red. That’s when you’ll need to know what your options are to bring the dead box back to life.

Next Version of SMS to be Fully Active-Directory Integrated

The next release of SMS, officially dubbed “SMS 2003,” will not merely extend AD—it will become one of a handful of Microsoft products to be directory-enabled; SMS 2003 will also offer significant arc

Windows .NET Server Exams: Spring or Summer 2003?

The release date for the exams is "more an issue of semantics than hard deadlines" says Microsoft; exam releases will be dictated by the software's ship date.

MCSD.NET Exams Finally Debut

MCAD.NET/MCSD.NET candidates can begin the process toward obtaining the new .NET developer certifications. Just released: exam 70-306 and exam 70-316.

StuffIt Deluxe 7.5

DbEncrypt for Microsoft SQL Server

Smart Software Distribution

SMS packages are notorious bandwidth hogs. This unique four-step method overcomes the main drawbacks you face in using SMS for software distribution.

Canaveral iQ: Low-Cost Solution

Just need a few redundant servers, some shared apps and a quick, inexpensive setup? Check out New Moon Systems.

Server Management in Your Pocket

Three tools extend remote administration to the PocketPC.

License, Please

Staying on top of your organization’s software licenses will keep you gainfully employed and out of court.

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