Windows Servers

Going Hyper-Active

Build scripts that work more like applications so you can monitor progress and display results in a formatted manner.

For Windows Server, a Busy 2005

Rapid-fire releases to include SP1, x64, R2 and the Longhorn Beta.

Linux-Windows Single Sign-On

Follow these steps and have your users logging on at their Linux/Unix desktops with their Windows accounts.

Encryption All Around

With Windows 2003, you can use the Encryption File Systems to give multiple users access to the same encrypted files.

Q&A: Protect Users From Phishing Scams

Just because something "appears" to be from a legitimate sender doesn't make it so.

Users Latch on to SQL Reporting Tool

SQL Server Reporting Services earns solid if not stellar marks from early adopters—and you can't beat the price.

Best of the Best

2005 Redmond Magazine Readers' Choice Survey: Find out how your favorite tool fared as nearly 2,200 readers pick their favorites in more than 40 product categories.

New Command-Line Option

MSH offers a powerful new approach to Windows command-line scripting.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Servers

The newest version of MOM not only tracks all sorts of performance data, but also helps you put it in perspective.

Half Off E-Learning Courses Until January

Microsoft offering many Windows 2003 and Exchange e-learning courses at discount for limited time.

E-Mail Central

Exchange 2003 allows for a more consolidated e-mail architecture. Here's how to pull it off.

Remote Scripting for SP2

Is Windows XP SP2 bringing your remote admin scripts down? Mr. Script has the answer you've been looking for.

10 Ways to Debunk ROI Claims

Vendors have lots of ways to manipulate ROI data to their advantage, making it seem as if every product is the answer to your IT prayers. Don't believe the hype.

Finding Gold in Yukon

Not your father's SQL Server, administrators will find comfort in Yukon, while developers are left out in the cold.

Storage Gets Slim

Forget about low-carb diets. Storage consolidation is the new craze hitting the fat-conscious world.

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