XP/Vista/Windows 7

Blackcomb Delays Expected

ENTmag.com: Gartner predicts follow-up to Windows .NET Server may arrive on shelves after 2003.

Guess The Number!

Enter MCP Magazine’s “Guess-The-Number-Of-MCSEs” contest, and you could win seven exam vouchers to achieve your next certification!

Code Red: Blessing in Disguise?

The Code Red virus, which did a Tony Soprano on Microsoft Internet Server boxes around the world, may actually end up doing more good than harm.

Outcry Spurs Changes in Activation Procedure

Microsoft rethinks Windows Activation Procedure feature in Windows XP.

Microsoft Rescinds Retirement of NT 4.0 MCSE Track (Original Post, with Comments)

In a significant announcement made late Wednesday, Microsoft is no longer retiring the certifications of those who obtained their MCSE title under the NT 4.0 track.

UPDATE: Microsoft Rescinds Retirement of NT 4.0 MCSE Track

In a significant announcement made late Wednesday, Microsoft is no longer retiring the certifications of those who obtained their MCSE title under the NT 4.0 track.

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator Officially Unveiled

Certification aimed at identifying specific job skills of systems administrators finally unveiled, to no surprise. However, CompTIA's exams play a big part.

MCT 2002 Program Launched Oct. 1

MCTs who plan to retain their titles into the next year must now meet the program's annual renewal requirements.

Quick Review: XML Spy 4.0

One of the best XML editors out there, hands down.

Free 70-240 Voucher Offer Ends Nov. 1

MCSE candidates who want to take the quick path to MCSE Windows 2000 recertification have less than a month to order the free voucher for the 70-240 Windows 2000 Accelerated exam.

Quick Review: InstallShield Developer

Installation program adds new features in latest release, including InstallScript.

Windows Script Components, Part Deux

The wizard is great, but you'll have to dig deeper to reap all of WSC's rewards.

A Universe of Answers

When you have a narrow, specific problem that needs troubleshooting, the Knowledge Base is the place to go.

New Insights on Event Logging

RippleTech's LogCaster allows Windows administrators to collect, filter and take action on the most critical events.

Conquering Patch Madness

UpdateEXPERT eases the task of keeping servers patched.

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