Hackers could access your database in seconds.
Intune 3.0 is now available for download.
Four of the seven bulletins address RCE flaws.
The flaw, reported this week, could allow an incorrect password to be verified as correct due to an error in the token calculation, according to Sergei Golubchik, security coordinator for MariaDB, in a posted statement.
Microsoft released its June patch today, which includes three "critical" security items and four "important" bulletins.
Microsoft's monthly security update will be arriving this Tuesday.
Hackers recently raided the LinkedIn and eHarmony Web sites and published user password information, software security researchers said this week.
Beyond the flexibility and costs savings of cloud computing are certain tactical advantages like automated provisioning and encrypted storage. This quick primer by cloud security expert Vic Winkler will give you the pros and cons of each.
Stuxnet was reportedly created by the U.S. and Israel.
Unauthentic certificates are to blame.
And your eHarmony password accounts, while you're at it.
Microsoft issued a security advisory this week about the Flame virus, which is using unauthentic certificates from the company to trick antivirus programs.
News emerged today that speculation about Stuxnet having been created by either the United States or Israel to attack Iran's nuclear capabilities might have been true.
- By Scott Bekker
- 06/01/2012
Is running an older OS really more expensive than migrating to a new version?
Are you watching others watch Facebook?
Hundreds of computers located in the Middle East have been infected by a highly complex virus called "Flame," according to security researchers at Kaspersky Lab.
Trustworthy Computing has become the industry standard for software security.
If you are running Vista SP1, you may be in danger.
Most IT pros have thought about moving away from the venerable Windows XP operating system, but the ones that haven't are "really, really late," according to Gartner Inc.
Distributing copyright material, good. Hacking Web sites, bad.