Remote Desktop Protocol is an easy-to-find and popular target for remote attackers, according to a recent study conducted by Sophos.
Organizations wanting a future without passwords will likely face some hurdles getting there, Microsoft admitted in an announcement this week.
Of the many security improvements Microsoft made to the latest Windows 10 release, the ability to wall-off the Edge browser against malware attacks is one of the most critical.
Microsoft on Wednesday announced the availability of a public preview of Azure Active Directory's FIDO2 support, which enables user authentications without passwords.
Microsoft on Tuesday released its July security patch bundle, which addresses about 77 common vulnerabilities and exposures across various Microsoft products.
Microsoft issued some reminders this week that July 9, 2019, is the last day of patch support for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2.
The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, in combination with its Power Query data-fetching component, can be leveraged in so-called "Dynamic Data Exchange" (DDE) types of attacks.
A recently published industry report suggested that use of public cloud services by organizations may nearly double in the next two years.
Microsoft announced a few OneDrive enhancements, including storage-option additions, plus a new "Personal Vault" feature for added security assurance.
Exchange Server 2019 with Cumulative Update 2 (CU2) can help organizations rid themselves of old authentication protocols, which constitute a potential security risk.
Microsoft on Tuesday announced a preview of the Azure Bastion service, which lets a user connect to an Azure virtual machine (VM) using a private Internet connection.
Academic researchers this week published information about another side-channel attack method, called "RAMBleed," that can expose information from memory chips, including encryption key information.
Microsoft added its conditional access security service to Microsoft 365 Business subscriptions, according to a Wednesday announcement, and it also added new trouble-ticket features for Microsoft 365 administrators.
Microsoft has released its monthly bunch of security patches for June, addressing 88 common vulnerabilities and disclosures (CVEs).
The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has issued an advisory urging individuals and organizations to install Microsoft's May security patches.
Microsoft again issued advice that its May security patches should be installed to prevent a "wormable" vulnerability in Remote Desktop Services from getting exploited by attackers.
With hackers infiltrating one in three Office 365 customers, an IT pro's best bet is to be suspicious of almost everything.
Microsoft announced a couple of Azure Active Directory enhancements this week regarding password lengths and new conditional access controls for IT pros.
Microsoft this week described Attack Surface Analyzer 2.0, an updated tool for checking software installations that's now built using open source code.
Microsoft is again promoting its HyperClear Hyper-V hypervisor technology as a potential balm for organizations trying to come to grips with Intel's latest speculative execution side-channel attack disclosures.