Security Advisor

Voodoo Exchange

Moving to Exchange 2000 offers a valuable opportunity for jumpers and their more methodological counterparts to learn that permissions define possibilities and practicalities.

Tightening Telnet Step by Step

Controlling access with IPSec can help keep your vulnerable habitat safe from visitors of all species.

IPSec Rules!

Sometimes you can’t ignore the absolutes. In the case of communication security, just remember: If it doesn’t match, it’s gonna crash.

Protect Yourself

When you’re on the road, consider yourself (and your laptop) under the constant threat of attack. Be prepared.

Active Directory Data: Guarding the Family Jewels

Now that you know what Active Directory is — and how vital it is — what are you doing to keep it safe?

The Gift of Group Policy

Santa Gates has a special toy from the land of Windows 2000. Question is, how does it work?

The Network Protector

Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration Server performs proxy and firewall services. This briefing educates you on its firewall capabilities.

Smart Card Education, Part 2

With last month’s foundation in smart card technology under your belt, it’s time to implement the test system.

Smart Card Education

If you’re concerned about weak passwords serving as a hacker’s haven on your network, smart card logon may be the answer.

IPSec, Your Private Communications Security Cop

Implementing this emerging data communication security standard can tighten up your network. Here’s how its default policies work.

Securing Terminal Services

Running Windows 2000 Terminal Services is the next best thing to being there--but how do you do it securely?

8 Ways to Secure Exchange

Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000 offer new routes to email security, but have you done all you can with Exchange 5.5?

Single Sign-On Promises

Making SSO a reality in mixed-OS enterprises involves niggling details, compromises, and add-ons or third-party solutions. Does Windows 2000 help?

My Security Favorites

When we asked Roberta to provide a list of the best Web sites for security information, she cleaned out her Favorites folder and rediscovered a few old friends.

Top 10 Security Fixes

Plugging the most well-known holes in your Windows NT network is surprisingly easy. The author takes you step by step through her favorites.

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