Security Advisor

Security, List By List

Security checklists are valuable—but only if you use them. Follow along on Microsoft’s list and harden a server.

How To Be a Security Babe

If you want to do IT security because it’s “hot” right now, or because you think that’s where the money is, forget it. If you truly love the field, read on.

Whom Do You Trust?

Active Directory’s trust model makes administration easier than NT, but also introduces the potential to do more damage. Make sure your administrators are trustworthy.

A Cry for Help

Public Key Infrastructure is at the core of most e-commerce and, therefore, must be done properly. You can do it yourself—or turn to some outside pros. Which option is for you?

10 Things I Like about XP Security

Suspicious of XP’s security features? As you spend quality time together, you’ll get to see its good points—maybe even become friends.

The Key to the Future

It’s been a long time coming, but it’s nearly here. Key recovery in .NET server promises to improve your Public Key Infrastructure.

Get Ready for Your Audit

Time spent with network security auditors pointed out to Roberta the most common weaknesses in companies. How does yours stack up to her list?

Securing Remote Management with WMI

Writing scripts for remote computer management can save man-hours and shoe leather. But like any part of Windows, it has to be properly secured, or you risk opening up your network to the bad guys.

10 Golden Security Rules

The ISO17799 is a group of policies that would be well worth your time to get to know.

Role Playing

When it comes to security in .NET’s Web services world, it’s going to be vital to know how each application plays its part.

Thwarting Party Crashers

Nobody likes uninvited guests—and when they invade your online conferences, the consequences can be deadly. Exchange Conferencing Server can help you keep the riff-raff at bay.

Active Directory Object Permissions 101

Understanding the ins and outs of AD and object permissions is no simple task, but your efforts can help avoid catastrophe.

9 Steps to Securing IIS

Internet Information Server hacks are legendary, including many into Microsoft itself. Here's how to keep your Web sites from becoming famous for the wrong reasons.

Digging a Tunnel

As a company grows, so does its need for fast, secure connectivity. Enter ISA Server, a caching firewall that also serves as a nifty VPN endpoint.

A Tale of Two Tunnels

Like any security decision, choosing the right equipment and software isn’t something you should take lightly. If you’re looking for a “plug-and-go” firewall for your small business—along with the ability to set up a solid VPN—SonicWALL can fulfill that need.

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