Security Advisor

RCE Fixes Win the Attention of June's Microsoft Patch

Four of the seven bulletins address RCE flaws.

Cyber Warfare Is Out in the Open

Stuxnet was reportedly created by the U.S. and Israel.

Was the Flame Malware Spread Microsoft's Fault?

Unauthentic certificates are to blame.

Change Your LinkedIn Passwords. Now.

And your eHarmony password accounts, while you're at it.

The Cost of Keeping Windows XP

Is running an older OS really more expensive than migrating to a new version?

Iran Flamed With Surveillance Malware

This doesn't look like it was for monetary gain.

Employee Social Network Monitoring On the Rise

Are you watching others watch Facebook?

10 Years of Secure Microsoft Software, Annoying Patch Tuesdays

Trustworthy Computing has become the industry standard for software security.

Infection Rate for Vista On the Rise

If you are running Vista SP1, you may be in danger.

U.S. Cyber Czar Steps Down

Did you even know we had czars?

File Sharers Draw the Moral Line

Distributing copyright material, good. Hacking Web sites, bad.

Microsoft's Anti-Hacker Kit Receives New Tools

EMET 3.0 is now fully supported and available for download.

Adobe Realizes Not Patching Software Is Bad

Customers demand a change, Adobe obliges.

Microsoft Kicks Out Partner for Leak

Don't play by the rules, expect consequences.

PHP Scripting Flaw Shines Light on Other Flaws

Make sure your fix works before sending it out the door.

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