Posey's Tips & Tricks

Is There a Viable Alternative to Microsoft's Pricey Surface Hub?

If you're willing to do some legwork to set it up, a device similar to a Surface Hub can be yours at a fraction of the cost.

Launching a PowerShell Script from Excel, Revisited

We're going to build off my previous series to show how to further the communication channel between Excel and PowerShell.

Blue Squares Graphic

Using Ethical Scareware as an End User Security Training Tool

The Attack Simulation Tool can help you and your organization better prepare and spot phishing attempts.

Dealing With Monitor Madness in Windows

Let's run through some common issues you may be having with your monitors not playing nicely with Windows.

Microsoft Improves the Windows 11 Inking Experience

With the latest batch up updates and new features, Microsoft is making it easier to ditch the keyboard, especially for those tablet users.

SharePoint Enterprise Keywords vs. New Microsoft 365 Tags

Despite tackling similar tasks, the two Microsoft features do have some major differences.

A robot maid

Let Teams Give Your Space a Digital Makeover

Thanks to AI, straightening up your workspace before a Web meeting might be a thing of the past.


Tech Predictions for 2024: Digital Identities, Windows Next and More

As the rise of AI continues, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the tech features heavily in my yearly forecast.

A living room full of balloons

My 2023 Tech Predictions Revisited

While my batting average was a bit low, getting anything right in the chaotic year we had feels like a win.

Take a Fresh Look at Your Microsoft 365 Tenant, Part 2: Tracking

It's time to find those tenants that slipped through your watch and get them removed.

Take a Fresh Look at Your Microsoft 365 Tenant, Part 1

Without a point person, an enterprise's tenants can get out of hand.

Improving PowerShell Script Reliability

Break the habit of single-serving scripts to avoid unnecessary work.

How To Take Advantage of PowerShell Subexpressions

Here's how you can master subexpressions to enhance your scripting efficiency.

Planning for Three-Tier Data Protection

Implement this multi-layered data protection strategy for enhanced security and resilience.

Why You Need Separate Backup and Archiving Strategies

Let's explore the financial and operational benefits of differentiating backup and archival strategies in data management.

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