
VoIP Subscribers Grow 18 Percent in 3Q

U.S. subscribers to Internet-based telephone services grew 18 percent to 8.2 million in the third quarter, but the growth rate slowed for a second straight quarter, according to the research firm TeleGeography.

Vista: How Much Will Security Matter?

Microsoft Corp. took great pains to improve security in its newly released computer operating system, Windows Vista, redesigning it to reduce users' exposure to destructive programs from the Internet. Outside researchers commend the retooled approach -- yet they also say the changes won't make online life much safer than it is now.

IT News: Online Shopping at All-Time High

Plus, what your mobile PC says about you, and new products from TransMedia, Orb Networks and more.

How Much Will Windows Security Matter?

As Windows Vista becomes more secure against known threats, it's what hackers and cybercriminals devise in the next generation of attacks that keeps Microsoft on its toes.

Exchange 2007, Forefront for Exchange Ship

Long-awaited update to Microsoft messaging platform goes RTM; security suite also gets rolling.

Microsoft, Tech Firms Seek Privacy Law

Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and other companies are preparing to push for data-privacy legislation next year.

HP Settles Pretexting Scandal with Fines

HP stock unscathed by scandal, but $14.5M settlement highlights legal woes.

3 Convicted in Microsoft Software Scam

Trio resold sharply discounted educational versions of software to nonacademic customers.

Office 2007 Translators for Mac Coming

With last week’s release of Office 2007, early adopters who work in heterogeneous system environments -- in business marketing organizations, for example -- are likely to experience some short-term angst.

Critical Fixes for Windows, Visual Studio Coming Next Week

Microsoft issued an Advance Bulletin today stating it will release six fixes for various flaws next Tuesday as part of its regularly scheduled "Patch Tuesday" update.

Microsoft Beefs Up Vista Support

As businesses start to kick the tires on Windows Vista, Office 2007 and Exchange 2007, and consumers get ready to gear up for Vista in particular, Microsoft understandably is preparing for the inevitable onslaught of support calls.

Vista, SQL Server BI Exams in Beta

Microsoft puts four new exam in front of testers.

HP Leak Case May End in Settlement

Embattled former and current HP execs expected to settle state lawsuit over pretexting scandal

Microsoft's Open XML Gets Nod from Standards Group

Ecma International approves Microsoft Office format as international standard for data.

Microsoft and Dell Roll Out Unified Storage

Dell and Microsoft Corp. announced Wednesday that the PC maker is shipping a unified, networked storage system based on the software giant's Unified Data Storage Server 2003.

A Million Zunes By June?

Still trailing the iPod, Zune still selling better than expected for company, say officials.

Microsoft Investigates Word Flaw

A newly disclosed flaw in Microsoft Word could let malicious hackers take control of victims' computers by sending them e-mail with a Word document attached.

Novell's OpenOffice to Deliver Office 2007 Compatibility

Novell Inc. announced this week that its edition of the office productivity suite will offer support for Microsoft's Office Open XML format by the time the consumer release of Office 2007 ships at the end of January.

Microsoft Begins Rolling Out Expression Tools

Microsoft announced Monday it is shipping the first of four components in its new Expression Studio suite and predicts that the other three will ship in the second quarter of next year.

Microsoft Ships CTP of PerformancePoint

Microsoft announced Tuesday it is shipping the first community technology preview (CTP) of a new business intelligence tool dubbed PerformancePoint server.

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