
Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 Released

Service Pack 2 for the Microsoft Office 2007 product family is available for download at Microsoft Update.

Microsoft To Release XP Mode and MED-V 2.0 Betas

Windows XP Mode, a feature designed to help small businesses migrate to Windows 7, will be available as a beta for download on April 30.

Microsoft Expands Cloud Services Partner Network

Microsoft on Monday stepped up its services push by announcing a partner-driven effort to deliver hosted Microsoft applications in 19 countries.

Reporter's Notebook: Cloud Security a Key Focus at RSA

Concerns about the security implications of evolving cloud computing technologies dominated last week's annual RSA Conference.

Microsoft Boosts SOA with BizTalk Server 2009 Release

Microsoft released its BizTalk Server 2009 enterprise application integration platform.

Windows 7 RC Dates Disclosed; 'XP Mode' Unveiled

Microsoft provided a couple of Windows 7 tidbits on Friday, confirming the availability of Windows 7 release candidate (RC) and describing a forthcoming virtualization capability in the new operating system.

Microsoft Touts Security in Windows 7

Microsoft last week described improved security features in its upcoming Windows 7 operating system, currently in beta release.

Windows 7 RC Leaked

The release candidate version of the Windows 7 operating system has apparently hit the streets in the form of various leaked peer-to-peer BitTorrent distributions.

RSA: Hackers Shifting Focus to App Software

Writing more secure software is not a simple task, but it can and should be done for applications, experts say.

Botnet Discovered on Thousands of Government Computers

Researchers from Finjan Software Inc. announced at the RSA Security conference the discovery of a new botnet on nearly 2 million infected computers -- many of them in U.S. government networks.

RSA: Security Lags as Virtualization Picks Up

At a time when everyone is watching the bottom line, there is an increasingly strong impetus to virtualize IT environments.

Microsoft's Third-Quarter Revenues Drop

Microsoft announced its fiscal third-quarter results for 2009, which showed an overall six percent decrease in revenue compared with last year's Q3 result.

Windows 8: Microsoft Seeks Help on New OS

Microsoft has been looking to fill jobs associated with Windows 8, its next operating system beyond the current Windows 7 beta.

Netbook Sales Could Further Erode Microsoft's Profits

Microsoft has yet to reveal its Windows 7 upselling strategy with netbooks, but Redmond's profit margins already appear to be diminished with Windows XP.

RSA: Users, Not Technology, Are Security's 'Weak Link'

There are a wealth of commercial tools available to help secure networks, but getting them to share information so that administrators have more than a piecemeal picture of their systems can be a challenge.

2008: The Year of the Insecure Web Browser

Web browsers offered soft and interesting targets for hackers in 2008, who took advantage of them to attack the increasingly rich Web experience, said security expert Jeremiah Grossman.

Oracle's Sun Acquisition Spells Uncertainty for Java, Database Developers

Oracle's agreement to acquire Sun will reshape the landscape of tools and platforms for Java and database developers, but it also means a change in emphasis -- or even the demise -- of some key tools, development platforms and databases.

RSA: Microsoft Urges Greater Internet Security Collaboration

As cyber security problems become more widespread, Microsoft urged the IT community to take a more active role, and described its security approach.

VMware Unveils vSphere

Virtualization leader VMware sees a cloudy future for the datacenter. To that end, today the company announced vSphere 4, the next generation of what was formerly called VMware Infrastructure.

Sun To Be Acquired by Oracle

Oracle today said it has agreed to acquire Sun Microsystems for $7.4 billion, or $5.6 billion net of cash and debt.

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