
Microsoft To Deliver a New Build of Windows 10 Tech Preview

Microsoft indicated this week that it plans to deliver another build of the Windows 10 technical preview, which will be "coming soon."

Microsoft Previews Azure Active Directory Audit Capabilities

Microsoft added some auditing and reporting capabilities to its Azure cloud computing service this week.

Microsoft Touts Its Surface Pro 3 for Business Use

Microsoft pitched its Surface Pro 3 PC product line to business users today, offering a promo and a new support program.

PC Shipments Decrease in Q3

Worldwide PC shipments declined in the third quarter, according to analyses published this week by IDC and Gartner Inc.

Microsoft Improves Office 365 Document Collaboration

Microsoft has improved document collaboration capabilities for its Office 365 subscribers.

Windows Intune To Be Called 'Microsoft Intune'

Microsoft plans to rename Windows Intune, calling it "Microsoft Intune" with its next major update release.

Microsoft Azure Gets Disaster Recovery and Cache Support

Microsoft has rolled out two new cloud-based solutions in recent days, including Disaster Recovery to Azure and Redis Cache services.

Samsung Case Shows Microsoft Reaping Billions from Android Use

Microsoft had been collecting more than $1 billion a year from Samsung via an Android cross-licensing contract, a court record disclosed on Friday.

Windows 10 Said To Simplify App Deployments via Improved Store

A recent Microsoft blog post offered some interesting details about Windows 10 before it got pulled.

Microsoft's New Office 365 Plans for SMBs Now Available

Microsoft's Office 365 subscription plan reorganization for small-to-medium businesses took effect today.

SQL Server 2008 SP4 Released

After releasing SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 earlier in the week, Microsoft followed up with the release of the final service pack for the first revision of SQL Server 2008.

Microsoft Unveils New Sway Office App

Microsoft today unveiled a preview of a new Office app for putting together content called "Sway."

Microsoft Promises Enterprise Perks With Windows 10

Microsoft pitched the business side of Windows 10 today after announcing the upcoming operating system at a San Francisco press event.

Microsoft Releases Final SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack

Microsoft has rolled out another version of SQL Server 2008, dubbed Release 2 Service Pack 3.

Windows 10 Will Be Microsoft's Next Operating System

Microsoft's next major Windows release will be called "Windows 10."

Microsoft Cites New Patch Guidance for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 R2

Microsoft indicated this week that the patch cycle for Windows 8.x and Windows Server 2012 R.x systems follows a different approach than in the past.

Flawed Apple iOS 8 Upgrade Affects Microsoft Rights Management App

Microsoft is working on a fix for its Rights Management Service sharing app for Apple iOS devices.

Survey Finds IT Pros Underestimating Cloud-Based App Usage

How many cloud-based applications are running in your environment? Probably more than you think, if the results of a new survey of IT and security professionals released last week by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) are any indication.

Microsoft Revives Its WinHEC Hardware Dev Event

Microsoft is relaunching its WinHEC event for hardware developers.

Microsoft Cuts Prices on Some Azure Services

Microsoft announced price cuts to some of its Azure cloud services today.

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