Network Management

GOexchange: The Third Option

Not too hot, not too cold, for Exchange maintenance.

Exchange 2007: Always On

Exchange 2007 comes equipped to let you use several high availability techniques.

Mobile Devices: Ready To Explode?

Mobile personal devices are very convenient, but often quite dangerous.

Microsoft Buys All of Engyro, Part of Dundas

Two Microsoft partners closed deals to join Microsoft or to sell their intellectual property to the software giant.

Quest Buying ScriptLogic

Database, application and Windows-management solutions provider Quest Software will acquire ScriptLogic, a provider of Windows-based network management solutions, for roughly $90 million in cash.

No IP Protection Deals for Ubuntu Linux

Some Linux vendors haven't been as quick to secure deals with Microsoft that protect them from legal action relating to claims that open source software violates Microsoft patents.

Will Microsoft Ever Change Its Licensing Ways?

No, Microsoft will not be "nicer" next time around. Deal with it.

Linux Patent Protection Deals Piling Up

Another company has agreed to Microsoft's Linux IP amnesty program, adding to the rapidly growing list of open source vendors seeking protection against possible legal action from Redmond.

Windows Home Server RC1 Released

Microsoft's first server aimed at the home market has reached the release candidate phase, and as such, is nearly ready to be pushed out the door.

Microsoft Publishes Four Critical Updates

Patch Tuesday comes with the publication of six new security bulletins that collectively address vulnerabilities in Windows, IE, Outlook Express, Office and Visio.

Virtual Server SP1 Released

A key Microsoft virtualization product has gotten an important update.

All About Your Hard Drive

Look Mom, take 2: No-script hard drive info, this time using WMIC.

Microsoft Plans Visual Studio Shell

Microsoft is readying a beta of a new SKU of its next generation of Visual Studio, intended for those who want to embed it into their own tools.

A 'Stirling' Release for Microsoft

Microsoft has done its part to contribute to security sprawl by releasing 10 new security and access products, under the umbrella designation of "Stirling."

All's Well that Ends Well

The pitfalls of early adoption. Plus, logging in can be a lot easier said than done.

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