Network Management

Alfresco Survey Polls Enterprise Stack Practices

The second Alfresco Open Source Barometer survey found a general trend toward the use of mixed open source and proprietary software in the enterprise.

Microsoft Releases 6 Critical Patches

For the February security bulletin release, Microsoft rolled out six "Critical" fixes -- rather than the seven detailed in the advanced notice.

Citrix Announces New XenServer Editions, Renames Presentation Server

Citrix today formally announced Citrix XenServer 4.1 and Citrix XenServer Platinum Edition.

Study: Servers Lead Virtualization Pack

A global enterprise virtualization survey released today confirms that virtualization is becoming stronger and stronger in the enterprise, with server virtualization leading the wave.

IBM, Sun Make Ambitious 'Virtual' Announcements

Virtualization took center stage again last week, as both IBM and Sun unveiled ambitious new virtual offerings

Microsoft To Release Critical Patches for Vista, XP, Office, IE, Visual Basic

Redmond's February patch release is slated to roll out 12 security fixes -- seven rated "Critical," and five deemed "Important."

Windows Kernel Flaw -- Critical But Not, Says Redmond

Security firm provides video of a proof-of-concept flaw in Microsoft's IGMP networking protocol.

Get Answers to Your Storage Questions

Need help managing your file server storage? Check out Mr. Roboto's PowerShell functions.

Virtualization Done Differently

Microsoft's SoftGrid Application Virtualization makes managing applications more secure.

Microsoft Launches New Security Blog

Patch Tuesday releases promise be a lot more interesting in 2008.

Sanbolic Brings Clustered File System, Volume Management To Hyper-V

Sanbolic bolsters Microsoft's virtualization game plan with Melio clustered file system and LaScala Volume Manager.

Virtual Machine Use May Tilt OS Dynamic

The rise of virtual machines may prove to be somewhat of a nightmare for entrenched purveyors of closed operating systems, but it may become a boon for independent software vendors (ISVs) and end users -- so a recent Yankee Group report suggests.

Microsoft Releases Beta of Key Virtualization Product

Santa's not due for awhile yet, but for those waiting on Microsoft's next version of its highly-anticipated virtualization product, it's Christmas day.

Microsoft, Oracle Diverge on Outside VM Support

In case there was any doubt that virtualization is the hottest trend in IT, witness the rush of vendors glomming onto this technology.

Sun Releases Virtualization Management Tool Under GPLv3

Sun Microsystems today announced the availability of the first component of its new virtualization platform, and laid out a roadmap for opening the platform's source code. The Santa Clara, Calif.-based systems company bills its xVM Ops Center virtualization management tool as a "highly scalable datacenter automation tool for complete management of heterogeneous global IT environments."

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