Network Management

Tech-Ed Keynote Highlights 'Dynamic IT' and Virtualization

Microsoft's Tech-Ed North America event for IT professionals kicked off today with a keynote address on enabling "dynamic IT."

Virtualization Exam Now in Beta Testing

Exam 70-652 offers MCPs a chance to prove expertise in setting up and configuring virtual machines.

IBM Computer Achieves Petaflop Performance

A National Nuclear Security Administration supercomputer has achieved an operational rate of 1 petaflop making the Roadrunner the world's fastest computer, the agency announced today.

Threats to Office's Dominance Multiply with New Offerings from Adobe, IBM

Paying for word processing software may soon be a thing of past if Microsoft competitors Adobe, Google and IBM have any say.

Tech-Ed: Gates' Farewell to Developers Focuses on Silverlight, Velocity, Oslo

Microsoft's founder and chairman kicked off Tech-Ed with a keynote that took an opportunity to look back, as well as provided a glimpse into the future.

XP, Vista Vulnerability Triggered by Safari Browser

Microsoft continued to investigate what it called public reports of a remote code execution threat for XP and Vista when Apple's Safari Web browser is installed.

Process Automation for the People

Automating IT processes can help keep your staff focused on critical tasks, but starting a project involves inherently complex decisions.

Showstopper: Round Two

These routines take last month's tool a few steps further.

More Than One Way

New and established tools help admins get control of Windows Vista on the enterprise network.

I Am a Strange Loop

This appliance can help accelerate ASP.NET Web traffic over your network.

Social Networking Is No IT Fad

Ringside Networks' Bob Bickel brings customers closer with social-networking technologies.

Microsoft's High Performance Computing Server 2008 Beta 2 Debuts

Microsoft released High Performance Computing Server 2008 (HPC Server 2008) Beta 2, the next-generation version of Compute Cluster Server 2003.

Orphaned Accounts Are a Growing Security Concern, Study Says

IT auditors examine accounts just like their financial auditing counterparts. Instead of trial balances, they look at system user accounts to determine who signed on when and who did what. But what about who's logging into what account and when? More important, do these people even work here anymore?

MCP Exam Retake Registration Ends May 31

MCP exam takers who want to participate in the program have until the end of May to register into the program and register for an exam.

Ex-Microsoft Employee Takes Lead on XP SP3 Reboot Problem, Offers Free Fix

A former Microsoft employee appears to be coming to the rescue of those suffering from the XP SP3 endless reboot cycle that can happen on computers with AMD processors

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