
Google Goes Open Source With WebM, VP8 Codec

Google announced on Wednesday that it has released its VP8 video codec into open source under the WebM open Web media project.

Microsoft Releases IE 9 Preview 2

Microsoft released the second platform preview of Internet Explorer 9 for review by testers.

Report: Windows 7 Surpasses Vista in Market Share

Windows 7 now has nearly 15 percent of the operating system market for business users, outshining Vista.

The Security Patching Fun Never Ends

Two new off-cycle patches follow the usual Patch Tuesday release. Plus: Looking to third-party app security.

Microsoft: H.264 Support Not About Royalties

Microsoft on Monday provided additional clarification on why it will support the H.264 video codec in Internet Explorer 9.

Microsoft Embraces H.264 Video for IE 9

Microsoft voiced support for the H.264 video codec in future versions of Internet Explorer, while affirming Adobe Flash.

Microsoft Warns of SharePoint Security Flaw

Microsoft issued a security advisory on Thursday for a vulnerability in two SharePoint products.

IE 8 XSS Vulnerability To Get Fixed in June

Microsoft is preparing a security update in June for the IE XSS filter in Internet Explorer 8.

Web Security Threats on the Rise, Report Finds

It may not be Tony Soprano on the Web, but a new security report finds that wise-guy hackers have become increasingly organized.

A Flood of Fixes in April

This month is among the busiest, with patches coming from Microsoft, Adobe and others. Plus: Black Hat Tech Con tackles Web-originated attacks; looking for motives in the cyberspying world.

Internet Espionage Tied to Repression and Crime

Even the Dali Lama isn't safe from hacking, according to a report released on Tuesday.

Court: FCC Can't Regulate Broadband ISPs

A federal appeals court told the Federal Communications Commission that it lacks broadband Internet regulatory authority.

Patches Galore In Store for 2010

With April's planned patch releases, Microsoft sets pace to exceed 2009's fixes. Plus: Conficker, a year later; how you set admin rights may be key to overall security, says one vendor.

Microsoft Backs Digital Due Process Initiative

Microsoft this week joined a coalition to encourage Congress to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

Azure and BPOS: Clearing the Fog Around Microsoft's Cloud Computing Offerings

A closer look at the Windows Azure Platform and the Business Productivity Online Suite.

'Critical' Off-Cycle IE Patch Released

Microsoft today released its second "critical" off-cycle patch for Internet Explorer this year.

IE 8 Hacks Slowed by Windows Safeguards

Even a fire-proof safe needs additional protective measures, and Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 is no different.

China Cyber Threat Looms Large

Attacks on government systems, U.S. interests on the rise.

Microsoft Staying the Course in China

Microsoft has not been swayed by Google's change of direction with regard to filtering search results in China

Google Ends Internet Search Censorship in China

After following China's national laws in the past, Google has decided to stop filtering its search engine in the country.

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