In-Depth Features

The Best & Worst of Windows 2000

The AD Revolution

Tickets, Please! Limit User Access with Windows 2000

Use Windows 2000's default security to make sure no one gets in without your permission. First step: Understand what ships in the product.

As Complex As It Gets: Windows 2000 Licenses

Windows 2000 licensing can be complex if your needs go beyond the basics. Our intrepid reporter sorts it all out, and offers some hints on where you can get the best deals for your company's needs.

From the Trenches: At Home with a Win2K Network

Do your homework! Setting up a small network running Win2K is just the ticket if you want hands-on experience immediately.

From the Trenches: Have a Crash-Free Day

Heroix RoboMon acts as a beacon for systems administrators whose networks are about to flounder on the rocks.

Tackle the iNet+ Test

CompTIA's latest vendor-neutral certification proves your knowledge of Internet applications.

Figuring Out the Pieces of Microsoft Management Console

Microsoft set a lofty goal of creating a consistent interface to help you manage a variety of network tasks. MMC takes us partway there; here's what works— and which pieces still are missing.

Survive Chaos

How one company applies its understanding of the psychological issues surrounding troubleshooting to make it an efficient and painless process.

Systems Engineering: A Simple Plan for SMS

Preparing an SMS 2.0 installation requires people, training, data-gathering, design, and testing. Here's an approach to guide you through the entire effort.

White-Coat Computer Science

Those who test products and changes before rolling them into production stand a higher chance of continued employment. Use that technical version of Darwin’s natural selection to your advantage.

SMS Planning Chart

Web Wizardry: Putting the Internet to Work on Windows 2000

Hunting for that first compelling reason to install Windows 2000 now? Consider putting IIS 5.0 to work increasing your Web site’s security and performance.

Systems Engineering: Stressing Out over IIS

Test with Microsoft Web Stress Tool to tune IIS <i>before</i> it hits the wall. Then use Performance Monitor to measure the improvements.

Breaking In: Success Stories from New MCSEs

Maybe you have an MCSE, or maybe you're working on the title. But equally important (if not more so) is experience. How do you get it?

From the Trenches: The Case of the Disappearing Printer Shares

What do you do when the standard approach to problem-solving doesn't work?

One for the Books

Is online shopping the best way to get your certification books?

Take Back Your Time

Three new Resource Kit tools can reduce repetitive typing and perform scheduled file copying for you at night.

Master Windows 2000 with MOC

As you prepare for the next wave in networking, make sure you’re doing it right with Microsoft Official Curriculum.

Amazing Feast! Windows 2000 on the Table

Seems like you’ve waited years for your reservation to be called, but Windows 2000 Server is almost ready for your dining pleasure. Here’s a sampling of its delights.

Systems Engineering: Make the Internet Virtually Private

By implementing a VPN, you can use the world’s largest public network as a WAN that securely connects your remote users and branch offices.

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