Systems Engineering: Home-Built Intrusion Detection
With a bit of SQL and the NT Resource Kit, you can create a log file management system to stay on top of potential intrusions.
- By Chip Andrews
- 06/01/2000
If you’re like me, you’re constantly under
pressure to answer questions like: Are we experiencing
any Internet attacks? Are internal or external users probing
us for vulnerabilities? What machines are people trying
to hack into? Of course, if you have sufficient logging
enabled, the answers to some of these questions can be
found in the log files of your servers or border routers.
But let’s be honest—with hundreds of Windows
NT workstations and servers all over the place, who has
time to dig through a sea of log files to find some trace
of intrusion? What we need is a way to consolidate all
of these logs into a central location, preferably where
we can run all kinds of queries against this data. That’s
exactly what we’re going to do in this article using
two tools: Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (SQL 6.5 or Microsoft
Data Engine should work fine as well) and the Windows
NT Server Resource Kit (if you don’t have it, get
I’ll focus on two types of logs: NT Server event
logs and IIS HTTP logs; keep in mind that the log types
you import are ultimately up to you and your imagination.
I’ll discuss ways to optimize data collection and
reporting techniques. I should note that there are several
commercial packages for doing this type of log analysis;
however, who ever got a promotion by signing a purchase
order? Let’s show our self-reliance and maybe we’ll
think of something the Major Players haven’t.
Control |
If you’re lazy like
me, then you don’t want to create
a table and key in all those machine names.
So create the following batch file and
run it with domain administrator privileges
on a machine with the Windows NT Resource
Kit and osql (SQL Server or MSDE) installed.
@echo off
for /f %%I in (‘netdom /NOVERBOSE
member’) do call :insertsvr "%%I"
goto end
osql -E -S yourSQLserver -Q "use
LogRepository insert servers (servername)
values ('%1')"
This batch file uses the NETDOM utility
in the Resource Kit to obtain a list
of all domain members. It cycles through
the list and adds every member to the
SERVERS table. We could also add another
osql statement at the beginning to delete
all records in the servers table and
schedule this batch file to run on a
regular basis. This would give us the
ability to pull logs off of servers
as soon as they’re added to the
domain without having to periodically
repopulate the SERVERS table manually.
Obviously, you need to replace “yourSQLServer”
with the actual name of your SQL Server.
I used a trusted connection, but you
could also use the –U and –P
switches to provide SQL Server authentication.
—Chip Andrews
Preparing SQL Server
We’ll begin by creating a SQL Server database called
“LogRepository,” making sure that plenty of
free space exists for us to start collecting data. I’ll
show all SQL commands for creating the necessary database
objects, but you’re welcome to do all of this using
the Enterprise Manager if you’re so inclined. Of
course, if you’re using MSDE, using osql.exe and
the commands below may be your only option. First, let’s
create the database:
USE master
( NAME = LogRepository,
FILENAME = 'c:\mssql7\data\logrepository.mdf',
SIZE = 50,
( NAME = 'LogRepository_log',
FILENAME = 'c:\mssql7\data\logrepository_log.ldf',
Keep in mind that you may need to change drive letters
or directory names for your configuration. I’m only
being specific to help those who may want to get started
with a simple configuration and learn from there. Also,
you may want to change the TRUNCATE LOG ON CHECKPOINT
and SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY flags for speed—and so that
we don’t fill up the transaction log on an application
that isn’t mission critical. Use Books Online to
see the details on this option if you’d like a full
description of why we’re doing this.
sp_dboption ‘LogRepository’,’trunc.
log on chkpt.’ ,
sp_dboption ‘LogRepository’,’select into/bulkcopy’
Next, we need a list of all of our servers so we know
where to tell SQL Server to start looking for all this
data. Create a table using the following code:
CREATE TABLE servers (servername varchar(17))
Now add your NT servers and workstations to the table
using Enterprise Manager or do them one at a time with
insert statements:
INSERT servers (servername) values (‘myserver’)
Now create your log tables:
CREATE TABLE [NTSecurityLogs] (
[logDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[logTime] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[logEventType] [int] NULL ,
[logEventCategory] [int] NULL ,
[logEventID] [int] NULL ,
[logEventSource] [varchar] (20) NULL ,
[logUser] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[logBuffer] [varchar] (1) NULL ,
[logComputer] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[logStrings] [varchar] (2000) NULL
[ClientHost] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[Username] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[LogTime] [datetime] NULL ,
[Service] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[Machine] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[ServerIP] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[ProcessingTime] [int] NULL ,
[BytesRecvd] [int] NULL ,
[BytesSent] [int] NULL ,
[ServiceStatus] [int] NULL ,
[Win32Status] [int] NULL ,
[Operation] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[Target] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[Parameters] [varchar] (255) NULL
We’re ready to get started. We have our raw database
and now all we need is to gather the data. It might be
noted that we didn’t create any indexes on the table;
so I suggest that once you start importing data, you create
indexes on the fields you repeatedly query against if
performance becomes a problem during your reporting.
NT Event Logs: Log Clog
The NT Server event log has been the bane of many an
administrator. Logging occurs on every single server and
workstation across the enterprise without any facility
to consolidate these logs. The Resource Kit provides a
utility to help us create our own solution. DUMPEL (DUMP
Event Log) allows you to save the event log (system, security,
or application) as a delimited text file. We’ll import
this file into our database.
Figure 1. DUMPEL lets you save
the event log as a delimited text file, which you
can then use to populate your database. (Click on
image to view it in full size.) |
Our method of import will be a stored procedure that
steps through all of the servers in our SERVERS table
and imports their security logs into the database. For
the purposes of speed and simplicity, we’ll use the
BULK INSERT statement to import the data. You may wish
to use Data Transformation Services or BCP depending on
your security requirements (BULK INSERT requires sysadmin
role) and expertise. Let’s examine the stored procedure
that will bring in our data:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_getSecurityLogs
-- Declare our variables
DECLARE @current_server varchar(15),
@cmdline varchar(100)
-- Suppress record counts
-- Wipe the current log. You can
omit this if you want to use
-- LogRepository as your permanent log dumping ground.
DELETE from NtSecurityLogs
-- Here we will loop through all
the servers in our SERVERS table and
-- import their logs. Change the location of c:\logfile.out
if you wish
SELECT servername
FROM servers
OPEN Server_Cursor
INTO @current_server
set @cmdline = ‘dumpel -f c:\logfile.out -s ‘
@current_server + ‘ -l security -t’
PRINT @cmdline
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmdline
BULK INSERT LogRepository.dbo.NtSecurityLogs
FROM ‘c:\logfile.out’
FETCH NEXT FROM Server_Cursor INTO @current_server
CLOSE Server_Cursor
DEALLOCATE Server_Cursor
PRINT ‘Log Importing Complete’
Simply execute sp_getSecurityLogs as a scheduled task
or on demand whenever you wish to do an audit. The security
logs of all servers in the SERVERS table we created earlier
will be imported into the NTSecurity-Logs table. (Note:
Make sure the DUMPEL program is in your search path or
specify the exact location in the stored procedure.)
You may notice that the xp_cmdshell command is used for
this task. Generally I recommend that if this extended
stored procedure is enabled, you take special care to
lock this machine down. See
for tips on doing this.
IIS Log Files: Immediate Gratification
If you’ve ever been the target of a security audit/scan,
you know Web servers are prime targets for potential exploits.
They’re generally designed to be used by anonymous
users, seldom monitored for probes, and full of potential
holes if not properly secured. Too often the evidence
of a probe will remain in the log files of the affected
server without any warning being fed to the administrator.
We could go through almost the same steps with the IIS
HTTP logs as we did with the NT event logs, but let’s
try something new. IIS supports direct ODBC logging, so
it’s possible to send all log info to the SQL Server
database directly and avoid the lag time that comes from
periodic imports. Using this type of logging we can analyze
data as an attack occurs, so there might still be time
to react. A periodic query might be run against, say,
a list of known exploits that could send an alert to the
security administrator.
To configure ODBC logging, start the Internet Service
Manager through the start menu or Microsoft Management
Console (MMC). Then right-click on the Default Web Site
(or whatever site you wish to log) and change the Active
Log Format to ODBC logging. Clicking properties beside
that will take you to a screen where you can choose the
DSN table, username, and password for accessing the SQL
Server table we’ve created. Don’t forget to
set up the System Data Source Name (DSN) under the “ODBC
Data Sources” icon in your control panel.
Of course, you may need to monitor performance to make
sure this doesn’t adversely affect your application
and to watch for locking issues if you want to send multiple
server logs to a single SQL Server log repository. The
old saying stands here as well: Test, test, test, and
then test some more. If all else fails, bring the logs
over via the same method as the NT Event logs and don’t
forget to alter your table structure depending upon the
logging method you choose (Microsoft IIS Log File Format,
NCSA Common Log File Format, or W3C Extended Log File
Figure 2. To tap an IIS log,
the first step is to configure ODBC logging. |
Reporting and Alerts
Finally, we can get to the fun part of this log collecting
exercise: analysis. OK, so it doesn’t sound like
a lot of fun, but it is—I promise. Here’s where
you get to show off your SQL skills (or develop some)
for the purpose of extracting information from all of
this raw data. We’ll begin with some NT event log
analysis reports and finish up with IIS reporting and
alerting techniques.
Here are some sample queries we can run against our NT
security logs:
of failed login attempts per server due
to bad username or password |
logComputer, count(*) as FailedAttempts
from Ntsecuritylogs where logEventId =
'529' group by logComputer |
10 attempts to access disabled accounts |
top 10 logDate, logTime, logComputer,
logStrings from Ntsecuritylogs where logEventId
= 531 order by logDate desc, logTime desc |
to access locked-out accounts by IP address
of client |
logDate, logComputer, logStrings from
Ntsecuritylogs where logEventId = 539
order by logDate |
Obviously, we could create similar reports for the HTTP
logs to give us most requested URLs, most requests per
client, and requests by date/time. However, I recommend
setting up a table of possible probe signatures. We can
use this table to check the contents of the client requests
for these signatures and let that be our signal that a
vulnerability probe is taking place.
A good tool for finding probe signatures is in the freeware
utility Whisker, available at
(Be aware that the utility requires the scripting language
Perl, freely available at
Simply fire up Whisker and probe your own Web server.
Then, check your HTTP log and examine the different types
of requests made against your servers. For brevity, we’ll
create only two signatures to show how this might be done,
but I’m sure you’ll want more signatures than
CREATE TABLE signatures (signaturename
signature varchar(50))
INSERT signatures (signaturename, signature) values
(‘RDS Probe’,’%msadcs.dll’)
INSERT signatures (signaturename, signature)
values (‘Showcode Probe’,’%showcode.asp’)
Now we can run a query such as the one below to show
us the who, what, when, and where of possible probes to
monitor these addresses or store the information for prosecution
if the attacker should later commit a crime. A simple
(and not terribly efficient) example query might be:
SELECT h.ClientHost, h.Username,
h.LogTime, h.Service, h.Machine,
h.ServerIP, h.ServiceStatus,
h.Operation, h.Target,
FROM HTTPLog h inner join signatures s on LIKE
That should be enough to get you started and on your
way to a robust, customizable, and free (aside any SQL
Server licensing issues) intrusion detection system. Of
course, it’s best to make a more presentable reporting
interface for these queries.
WinDump: Cleaning Up
There’s no way I could end this article without
pointing out how to take this tool to the next level.
If you’d like to capture network traffic and analyze
it with your newfound collector, then you’ll want
to use a utility called WinDump (a Windows port of the
popular Unix utility TCPDump). If you don’t already
have WinDump, point your favorite browser to
and let the fun begin. This nifty tool (which deserves
an article unto itself) allows users to sniff traffic
on their network and save it to a file. Now you can monitor
incoming and outgoing traffic for volume, trends, probes,
and exploits. Did I mention it’s free? The work comes
in analyzing the data it collects. I would hope that by
using the techniques I’ve shown in my examples, you’ll
be more than capable of logging almost any type of activity
that occurs in your realm. The scripts used above as well
as my progress on WinDump logging can be found at a site
I participate in,
Do the Job
I hope you’ll feel confident enough now to get a
handle on security. As your organization grows, you may
not have the time to continue to upgrade and develop your
new custom intrusion detection solution. At that point
you may need to consider a commercial package with real-time
network monitoring capabilities and hundreds of canned
reports. Until then, you’ve got the tools to do the
job. So let’s go out there and get our bosses the
information they crave.