
Gates: Secure Data Remains Key Challenge

Keeping information secure in this age of laptop-lugging workers is the tech industry's most formidable challenge, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said.

German Court Bars Stealth PC Searches

Police cannot secretly search suspects' computer hard drives over the Internet, a German court ruled Monday.

VA Hard Drive With Personal Data Missing

A portable hard drive that may contain the personal information of up to 48,000 veterans may have been stolen.

Some Fraud Resulting From Hacked TJX Data

Bankers association reports that hackers have made fraudulent transactions using hacked TJX customer data.

Nationwide Insurance Data Stolen

Lockbox with backup tapes containing data on 130,000 Aetna members taken in break-in at insurer's outsourced billing services firm.

Clothing Retailer Says Computer Systems Hacked for Customer Data

TJX Cos., operator of T.J. Maxx and Marshalls discount stores, said Wednesday its computer systems were hacked late last year and customer data has been stolen.

Updated Docs for SQL Compact Edition

After shipping the first release candidate, or RC1, of SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition in mid-November, Microsoft quietly began shipping RC1 of the product's documentation, which has been updated to reflect the database's recent renaming, in late December.

Keep Tabs on SQL Server

These two SQL Server monitoring tools go head-to-head.

2007 Licensing Resolutions

Our licensing and negotiation guru Scott Braden walks you through what you can do now make sure your Microsoft licensing costs stay in check through the new year.

6 Held in Spain for Hacking

Spanish police arrests 6 suspects for allegedly hacking financial data.

Feds: NJ Worker Put 'Bomb' in Computers

Systems administrator alleged to have planted logic bomb that could have wiped out critical patient data.

Universities Vulnerable to ID Thieves

UCLA breach latest among several universities to have student records hacked. Breach went undetected for more than a year, affects about 40,000 students.

MCP Exam Discounts, and the Protection of Exam Insurance

Exam discounts are back and "second-shot" offer returns in a new form, dubbed "Exam Insurance."

Microsoft, Tech Firms Seek Privacy Law

Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and other companies are preparing to push for data-privacy legislation next year.

Vista, SQL Server BI Exams in Beta

Microsoft puts four new exam in front of testers.

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