
Microsoft SIR: Phishing Sites Targeting Financial Institutions

Phishers go where the money is.

Bad Passwords Won't Die

Why even use a password if you're just going to use easily guessable entries?

My Predictions for Windows Phone 8

Will Microsoft finally find some success in the phone market with its Windows Phone 8 devices?

Security Resources for Microsoft's Windows 8/RT/Surface/WP8/IE 10 Launches

Starting on Friday, Microsoft's bonanza of software and hardware relases begin.

Beyond the Hype: Why You Should Consider Windows 8

With features like Windows To Go and DirectAccess, Windows 8 can rise above the controversy to be a solid OS for the enterprise.

Windows 8 Impressions: Some Minor Bugs in a Solid OS

Brien throws caution to the wind and fully installs Windows 8 on a hard drive to see if Microsoft's latest OS can stand up to the day-to-day tasks for a techie.

Is PowerShell Making System Center Obsolete?

Brien discusses how Microsoft's continued push and integration for PowerShell may be shifting the role System Center has in the enterprise.

Microsoft SIR: App Vulnerabilities on the Rise, Key Gen Malware Out of Control

You had a good half year if you were in the business exploiting application flaws and spreading malware through software key generators.

Another Light Patch Tuesday: Calm Before the Storm?

Has two small security updates in a row put you in a state of complacency?

Microsoft's Got a New Security Toy

Phone authentication could be installed in quite a few Microsoft products in the near future.

Windows 8 's Rookie Security Mistake

Microsoft's choice to store passwords in plain text format may give attackers easy access to your system.

VM Self-Service: Right Feature, Wrong User

VM Self-Service could be confusing for even the most seasoned IT pro. Thankfully, Greg is here to shed some light on what it means for your private cloud.

Outlook's New Split Personality

Microsoft brings its out-of-date Hotmail service into the present with new social networking features, Windows Phone 7 connectivity and richer features. It's also received a new name:

Mastering the Microsoft Name Game

Mary Jo Foley provides a helpful guide on Microsoft's product name changes, and provides some insight on the company's method to the name madness.

October Reader Letters: Security Slipup

Is the cloud the next step to propel security to the future? Readers chime in with their thoughts.

Securities Exchange

Microsoft is prepping quite a few changes for Exchange 2013 and Exchange Online, including tools to help you keep your corporate data safe.

Sophos Warns Users of Self

When providing antivirus services to paying customers, don't have your own software red flag your software. That seems like a bad business decision.

TechNet and Windows Server 2012 Licensing Changes

Brien runs through some of the issues he's run into with Redmond's updated licensing policies.

Putting a Positive Spin on Microsoft's IE Zero-Day Flaw

The IE vulnerability incident presents Microsoft with a perfect occasion to brag about the new security features hitting Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10.

Put System Center SP1 to the Test

Use that extra time you would be using to patch to test out the newest System Center update instead.

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