Security Advisor
Put System Center SP1 to the Test
Use that extra time you would be using to patch to test out the newest System Center update instead.
Has your week been a bit dull due to Microsoft's release of only two minor fixes for this month's security update? Why not give the System Center 2012 SP1 beta a spin?
The recently released beta of the System Center service pack packs in quite a few new security features, mostly in the mobile and cloud realm. Users can now use Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 or Windows Intune to control what can be accessed from mobile devices, push through security updates for mobile users and view who's connecting to your network.
This could be the push that enterprises need to jump into the BYOD pool, as it helps to centrally bring together the tools needed to keep a tight security lid on multiple smartphones and tablets -- a recent survey found that 43 percent of respondents said that the threat of increased virus infections was the No. 1 reason for staying away from a BYOD policy.
But promises made by software company and the reality are sometimes two different things. So give the beta a spin and, if you feel so inclined, share with us whether or not this will be a viable BYOD solution when the final product is rolled out in early 2013.