
Windows 10: The First Month

While there's been the occasional minor bug here and there, Brien's first month with Microsoft's new OS has been relatively pain-free.

Microsoft Rumored To Be Developing Malware Detonation Platform as a Service

The first hint of the new project comes from a job listing posted by the company.

Does Linux Love Microsoft?

It's time to evaluate Microsoft's true relationship with the open source community.

An Open Letter to Every Windows Insider

Greg Shields says goodbye after 100 columns as Redmond's Windows Insider.

Bing Is a Misconstrued Asset

Microsoft needs to start utilizing the value of Bing that moves past just its online search capabilities.

IRS Data Breach Victim Number Much Higher than Originally Thought

The incident also highlights the growing trend of attackers using Big Data to access personal information.

What Does SharePoint's Future Hold?

While Microsoft has yet to discuss what is in the pipeline after SharePoint 2016, it's easy to infer what the company is planning by taking a look at today's product and service line.

How To Restore Active Directory System States

Sometimes things go wrong. Here's how to quickly get a do-over in Active Directory.

Microsoft's August Patch Includes 'Critical' Update for Windows 10

Cumulative updates for Internet Explorer and Microsoft's newest browser Edge should be this month's top priorities.

Windows 10 Update Ransomware On the Loose

Plus: Yahoo ads expose users to ransomware attack for four days.

Project GigJam: The Next-Gen Task Collaboration App

The goal will be to provide tools collaborators really want, while making sure data stays safe and secure.

Getting Windows 10 Without the Wait

Here's how to skip the long lines for the free upgrade.

Windows 10 Is Out: Is It Enterprise Worthy?

While the OS could be a good fit for your organization, should you jump in right out of the gate?

How To Force the Get Windows 10 App To Run

Not getting the OS upgrade prompt to show up? Here's a workaround.

Will Windows 10 Make Computing More Personal?

Nadella and the company are banking on its unified app platform, among other new features in Windows 10, to change how the public interacts with PCs.

Selling Businesses on Windows 10

As is with every new OS release from Microsoft, Windows 10's long-term success will be determined by enterprise adoption.

Microsoft To Buy Cloud Security Firm Adallom for $320 Million

The move will help to strengthen Office 365's security capabilities.

Will Office 365 SharePoint Online Groups Displace Yammer?

Though Office 365 Groups and Yammer are different technologies, confusion reigns about the role of both.

How To Inject Files Into a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Don't have a DVD drive connected to your server? No problem.

How To Run PowerShell Commands Against a Remote VM

Here's a look at the Invoke-Command cmdlet and how it will be extended in Windows Server 2016.

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